
I’m sitting here listening to my wedding song….It’s odd……the feeling you get from something so ordinary.  Just a song to make you feel all wishy washy.  Bleh.

I get to go to a funeral tomorrow….my uncle died saturday.  He had emphysema really bad from smoking and had been battling it for a while.  He’s in a better place and not suffering, I suppose that’s what really matters.  My family isn’t having really great luck the past month or so.  People are dying. 

I’m feeling random tonight.  Kind of just out there.  Not sure why though.  I don’t know what to write right now so I’ll be back later. 

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March 9, 2007

I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. 🙁 what was your wedding song? xo

March 9, 2007

Sorry about your uncle. I get emotional whenever I hear my wedding song, too.

March 14, 2007

Sorry to hear about your uncle. I haven’t been around for a while, and to answer your question, it is Fight Night Round 3…the game I was addicted too..LoL. OK, bueno take care and till then…

March 19, 2007

Thank you for the note! I still miss her though. I pain is easing slowly, but surely. I am sorry to hear about your uncle! 🙁 My uncle has a brain tumor. I will be thinking about you though.

March 22, 2007

RYN: You could, except that I’ve already deleted it, which is why it’s not showing up. Sorry about that. Basically, I was just mad that someone left me a really crappy note just to start a fight. I deleted it because I don’t want to give that person any more of a chance to irritate me than she already has. Thanks for asking, though!! 🙂 Take care!