
Alright, well since that last time I wrote, my grandfather died, my sisters dog had to have emergency surgery, Chris’s job has seemed to have either fallen through or I’m not even sure, my period is late, but I’m not sure what that means because they’re never regular, and Chris got yet another speeding ticket.

First things first I suppose.  My grandfather, well he was sick and it wasn’t unexpected.  He had been put in the nursing home about 6 months ago and was entirely unhappy about it.  He hated being lonely, the food, and just life in general.  I’m glad that he past away not for me but for himself. For example when we went to visit him on Christmas and he couldn’t even feed himself, couldn’t get up to go to the bathroom and it was the saddest thing I’ve seen in a LONG time.  His birthday was on friday and he died saturday.  He was 87.  He lived a long life and I am happy that I got as much time with him as I did.  Although he was technically my "step" grandfather I’d known him since I was 7 and that makes no difference.  I will miss him.

My sisters dog.  Bright and early last saturday morning my sister and I took her dog to the vet.  She didn’t want to go by herself and neither one of her bitches would go with her.  So off we went.  We got there and back in the examining room and the doctor looked at her.  She was having some nasty stuff out of the well……..her pooty…and he said she was going septic, so she has to have an emergency ripping out of the parts.  My sister FREAKED out, it’s her "baby" and I understand that having animals myself.  So after we left her there and had a good cry in the car.  We waiting for about 5 hours until the vet called and said she had just come out of surgery and was fine.  I know that animals aren’t people to some people but we just love them like they are.  Some people think that’s weird, but fuck em’. 

Chris’s job.  I’m not really sure what the fuck is going on there.  They told him last week that there wasn’t any work right now and that they’d call him and the other people at his job when there was.  Apparently how it works is that when it snows and such it slows everyone else down at the job sites, which makes sense because other people have to get in there before the electricians and if the ground is frozen then they can’t do their jobs either.  So he went to pick up his check friday and was talking to the boss and he said it should pick back up next week.  Waiting game I suppose.  We did find out that his boss at his last job said he could "re-apply" now because he can go out of state.  I know that he was miserable there and he hated it, but some part of me wants him to go back for the $$.  I’m a selfish person………I feel like it at least.  But they’re offering $1000 a building plus regular pay on top of that.  If you just finish 2 buildings a week that’d be $4000 plus pay on one check……….*sigh*

*edit to guys* you don’t have to read the next part feel free to skip lol

My period….it’s late and well I’m not regular anyway so I’m not really worrying about it.  Every time I take a test it’s negative anyway.  I’ve wasted money on them so I don’t know if I should take it or not.  It’s been about a month and a half…..I hate to get my hopes up, I know we can’t afford it right now, but………ah well.

Chris’s speeding ticket.  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What the hell, you just got one about 2 months ago and here we go again.  It’s not like you were just going 5 over you were going like 20 over….and he has the nerve to say to me that he wasn’t speeding and it was the truck in front of him.  Same excuse as last time dumbass.  WTF, they don’t pull you over for not speeding.  I don’t have $300 to spend on this one.  He’ll be lucky if they don’t suspend his license.  I just don’t understand what goes on in his head sometimes.  He says that he just doesn’t pay attention.  I just don’t think that it’s a good excuse.  Maybe I’m a bitch…

So that’s that….I’m out

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February 19, 2007

Sounds like a wild ride, I can only give you my best wishes and hope for speedy healing.

February 19, 2007

whoa. That’s a lot to happen all at once. I’m surprised he hasn’t had his licence suspended either. Boys and their cars… they suck like that, eh. *many hugs to you* D xo

February 22, 2007

Best Wishes!

February 22, 2007

I don’t think it makes you a bitch I think it makes you a woman like the rest of us, who wants to be taken care of without having to struggle so much even if we enjoy our jobs that doesn’t mean we want to be the only one working. Also I can understand the speeding ticket thing, he needs to grow up and check the spedometer or stop driving it’s killing your finances, I know from experience.

February 24, 2007

aww sorry to hear u had a pretty hard time, all the best, thanks for the note yeah i find out on thursday if everything in theres working lol so lets hope its all good 😀 x