
Ok, so not alot going on….

I have a bit of a cold, which sucks ass….I hate it when you can only breathe through on nostril….real annoying….

I’m so glad that I didn’t have to work this weekend…I don’t know work has been kind of sucking lately…I still like my job and all, it’s just I don’t wake up and say "yay work"…not that I ever did I suppose.  Mostly because I found out that my co-working and my boss are talking behind my back, and not even about good stuff…it’s all about stupid shit…sometimes when I go to work I feel like I’m walking right back into high school…does anyone else ever get that?  I hated high school the first time and I’m not looking for a job where I feel like I’m taking a trip back…people suck I guess…and I know that any job that you have will always have people who like to talk about others who get into their own clicks and it’s all good…I just really didn’t think it would affect me like it has…such is life.

****RANDOM THOUGHT**** I will continue this entry in a minute………

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November 12, 2005

Boo. LOL. Just wanted to thank you for bring me back. Tis nice to know some people actually care…Take care and till then~~~ P.S I see you have found my e-mail address, my messanger is the same, in cause you ever wanna talk.

November 13, 2005

Ugh, colds are the worst. FEEL BETTER! Your boss of all people shouldn’t be talking behind your back. Very unprofessional. Grow up. grrr…

November 23, 2005

i hope you’re feeling better now hun

December 6, 2005

You should feel flattered, I’m sure, that you’re the topic of so many conversations. Pair of bitches!