just wanna be with you
i am a klepto. i have ben’s ring now..but not on purpose!
last night was the most perfect night i’ve had..maybe since summer. i saw all four of my best friends (meg, benny, kaleigh and jeremy), flirted with two different boys, plus saw/hung out with cory, jess, renee, bucky, stef and ellen. it was amazing.
j and i went to get twilight at midnight and he really wanted to watch it so we went back to my house and just talked and watched and it was really great.
the best part, which i acknowledged but didn’t add anything to or even try to figure out, was when jeremy was talking about how he hadn’t talked to his sister heidi in a week or so, but she was supposed to have seen the movie and he should call her soon. then he said, "she really is my favorite." and i said, "yeah, i know that." just normal, because it’s true. he practically idolizes her, just like ryan always has done with his brother. but then j said, "you’re becoming a very close second though."
and i paused, not quite sure what in the world he meant by it, especially after how precarious everything has been lately. so i just said "thanks jeremy." and then we kept watching the movie.
i’m really not sure at all what winona and point and being almost three hours apart in different worlds is going to mean next year. i hope it means nothing. of course we will change whether we want to or plan to. but he also said "maybe we’re just in our new moon right now." another statement i have no idea what that means. i probably shouldn’t even be analyzing any of it because it was all after 1am. and he was just as cryptic at times the other night when drunk at hayley’s.
hmm. i just needed to write all this down because i don’t want to forget it. this is the beginning of my spring break 2009. this is who i care about the most in the entire world. when that changes, i don’t want to forget.