PB ~ Jan. 25, 2018


  • Jan. 25, 2018, 9:09 p.m.


The last week has gone pretty well. I am still a bit sick but it is much more manageable than it was. Things with Joe have been great. Really great actually. We have had some deep heart to heart talks and it was exactly what I’ve been needing. He has been so sweet and loving. He has also opened up even more. Today, however, I am very overwhelmed. He woke me up with a call this morning telling me that Cruella called and asked him to pick his stepson up and take him to school because she ‘thinks she has the flu’. She asked if he could stay over a few nights if she does have the flu ‘since it’s contagious’ and said she was going to the Drs. Of course she has the flu…whether it’s more of her bullshit lies or not she is dumping her kid once again on Joe. One thing that gets under my skin more than anything in this world is mothers that are a piece of shit…and she is definitely one of them. I have been sick for 4 weeks now and didn’t dump my kid off on anyone!! My son is 7 and has Autism, her son is 14 and neuro-typical…I can take care of mine(school AND therapy) but her sorry ass can’t handle a normal 14yo? Seriously? Please. I don’t hate many people in this world and, God forgive me, but I seriously hate this woman. So today I am reeling in my hatred for her mixed in with the fact that I am happy that Joe gets time with his stepson, sad because I can’t spend ANY time with him while his stepson is there and extremely frustrated that it’s already the end of January and, while things have transpired, it doesn’t feel any closer to the time that people in his life will know of my existence. He said the other day that he’s afraid he will do something stupid and I will leave…which I assured him of transparency, that I would never blindside him like that, that I have loved him deeply for over 21yrs now, etc….however, we didn’t talk about him NOT doing something, like getting this freaking divorce over and done with. He would still not be blindsided because even during that conversation I told him that I tell him everything and even asked him what my main problem right now and he got it right, the fact that I want to see him. He gave her the freaking letter two weeks ago, she has ignored it yet has contacted him a few times needing something. Screw that. He needs to do something and SOON! I have been patient and understanding but I am seriously starting to lose it.

On a side note, I am ecstatic that OD is supposed to reopen tomorrow! I cannot wait to dive into reading through the many years of my old diary. I hope that they follow through with it because it couln’t come at a better time.

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