
Today my husband left at 9 am this morning.  He said he was going to leave for a week and then i will.  I woke up to look outside and he got something out of the garage and was dressed nice.  I called him and asked where he was going dressed so nice and what he took out of the garage.  First, He kept telling me it was none of my business.  I finally asked if he was going golfing with his dad, and he said yes.  Funny, how he is leaving me and the boy’s this week so he can go have fun.  He has been rude to me the last two days.  After he punched the whole in the wall the very next day, he slept all day and through the night.  Did not acknowledge me or the boy’s.  He tried to come in again the next day and do the same thing, but I went in there and asked him if he was going to apologize.  He told me he would never apologize.  He told me that day that I would find someone else, that I would be alright.  Yesterday he refused to help me cook dinner, and he got home late from work.  Not sure why!  Then he would not give me the bed after he promised he would all week.  He said you are going to get it all next week…the point is if you tell someone your going to do something, you should keep your word.  I have been sleeping in the uncomfortable bed all week and he could care less.  Jerk!  I am so angry that I don’t ever want to speak with him again.  I do plan on filing myself now and I am packing up this week.  I don’t deserve this kind of life.  Also, I think he has someone else.  He is being too distant and mean for no reason a lot of times.  I found a receipt for cheddars by our house and not sure who he was eating with, but that day I was down the road taking my son to the dentist.  He works out in the east end, so why was he all the way out by our house during lunch time???  I don’t even care anymore.  I am just praying that God gets his revenge, because I have been so upset that I have had chest pains everyday from his cruelty.  I have a whole in my heart and my stomach hurts all the time.  I wake up several times through the night.  So angry!!!!

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September 3, 2011

But I thought God wasn’t vengeful? However, I do believe that people reap what they sow, and since for him that is being hateful and a jerk, he will see the same response from the world in due time! I might also recommend telling the court about his anger issues and verbally abusive tendencies towards you and the children, it will help you gain a larger amount of custody with them.

September 3, 2011

And it certainly isn’t that I don’t believe that they shouldn’t see their dad….but as far as their mental health goes, maybe minimized time with him might be the best for the children. I would bring it up during any proceedings.