Ya know what… STFU

Yes, I know I am being a tad over dramatic, and thats a understatement. But I m fighting a severe depressive spell and what does it fucking matter how I deal with it? Im sorry. Im fucking done. Im done with the holidays. Im done with people trying to tell me Im being over dramatic. Im done with people telling me Im being too negitive for their liking..




Get over it. This is who I am sometimes. And esp right now, since Christmas is coming up, and Im fucking miserable, cause, oh, you know, my husband just died and all. So what if we had problems? Im clinging to the good. And thats all I chose to remember right now. And I know the fact that he would love this place, and I miss him… along with my lack of sleep, mixture of new meds, frusteration with my family… yeah, so fucking what if I am negitive? Dont like it? Then fucking dont talk to me. Got it? 

I know there are many of you who know that I am going through a lot, and know, this too shall pass. And, as you all know, this isnt directed at any of you. Im in a funk, thanks to lack of meds for my anxiety and depression, along with the other crap… Yeah, Id say I can be depressed. Thankyousofuckingmuch.

Kiss my ass if you dont like it. I dont mean that literlly, either. I mean, learn to deal with who I am. This year has been SHIT. Im coming up on anniversaries, and many other things I dont care to remember right now, because Ill start crying again. And yes, I have fucking been crying. Stress, chronic depression, pain… that would do that to you. Along with the lack of anxity and depression meds…

So. I dont give a fuck if you think Im too negitive. You dont have to read what I write, or read my status messages. I put on a good front for everyone else in real life. Online, I shouldnt have to.

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*Kisses your ass* I don’t like seeing you so upset and depressed, but if kissing your ass makes you feel better, well then that is what I shall do. *HUGS* Love you.

You shouldn’t have to at all muchless online *HUGS* <3

OMG who is telling you you’re being “too negative”? That’s seriously SCREWED up!!! This is your journal!! You can write whatever you want in here. People who say things like that DO need to STFU! That’s just messed up. You write whatever you need to sweetie. That’s the point of this place. To get EVERYTHING out! Love ya.

i believe this diary is a place to come and vent about crappy things! most of my entry are negative too, b/c this is the place i come to get it all out, rather then bothering my friends and family w/ it! so go ahead and vent..and be dramatic and negative..b/c it’s YOUR diary!