um… so… fml… yeah….**E**








Amanda Eckert | Create Your Badge


Just to let everyone know, Im alive. Have been really sick again lately… called my dr today, and found out I need to go check into the urgent care tomorrow morning, because, low and behold, they think I have meningitis now… like I needed anything else….I am severly worried that it might be something more… if not that… I will keep everyone posted… I have to be there in the am, after I drop James off.

I love you all.


Hey. Im home.. in a horrible amount of pain, but I am home… *Sighs* Went to the Urgent Care. Now, before I get into this, I need to clerify, Diane wanted me to call 911 last night, she thought I was that bad off. Which, I was, pain wise. So, anyways, I go into Urgent Care this morning… No big deal… got to see the Doc, and she immediatly sent me out to the ER…which, was like 3 blocks away. She also wanted me to go by ambulance, but, stubborn me, wanted to drive, so I drove…

Did not have good care at the ER. I will not go into it, but needless to say, I will never go back to that ER. Ever.

Went, had a cat scan done of my head, to rule out bleed, and must have come back negitive, because next thing I know (and this is like two hours into things, and I have only seen my nurse from checkin ONCE) the doc had come back in, told me he would release me with a muscle relaxer and would be back soon.

It took two hours to get a script, and a discharge. Funny thing is, they were SLOW. The docs and nurses were out at the nurses station the whole time, talking and bull shitting.

Which, is fine, if your patients are cared for…

I was never monitered, which, is a no no with a high risk patient, who has had as many strokes as I have had. I was never checked in on. In my 8 hours in this place, I saw my nurse twice, and my dr twice. All because, they simply were too busy chatting one another up at the nurses station.

And, before anyone says anything, I know what a busy ER is like. For my new comers, I worked in a ER, a COUNTY ER for three years. I know busy, and I know the sounds of a busy trauma unit.

This place is a high class, high profile hospital.

And there were no ambulances being called, nothing…

*sighs* Oh well. Thats not the point here, The point is, all this, and not once did he ask me my medical background, nothing, and sent me home, telling me its "only a spazam". Needless to say, when Diane, my NP called to check on me, and I told her their diagnosis, without repeating my being hostile at the end because of lacking care, she told me she was sorry and wanted to see me Fri, to make sure thats all it was.

Only good thing, is the UC ran a blood test, and there was nothing there to verify there was any form of infection, so I am no longer worried about meningitis.

<span style="background-color: rgb(

0, 0, 0);”>Now, the main thing, is to rest, and try and get the pain to pass….And, of course, see my primary Friday.

Oh, and another issue? ha…. Diane had originally called me, to see if I could come in Friday anyways, to follow up on my balance test… problem there is she told me she would only call if there was a issue. So, obviously, they found something neuro wise they dont like, and want to run over. Not that I am worried… Why should I be? 

Oh, and my cable and internet was shut off when I got home… LMFAO. Now, that was the icing on the cake.

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Praying for you dearheart. *hugs* You let me know what they find out. <3 Love you

Thinking of & praying for you. Much love & many hugs.

I’ve been in Houston with my daughter for her follow-up testing after July’s radiation therapy. I hope that when I read your next entry, I’ll find you are feeling better. IMHO, an ER is the LAST place to go to expect medical care. When my father suffered a series of repeated TIA’s, the were all set to discharge him, too. I looked up at the doctor when he said he was going to release him andsaid, “My father is NOT a babbling idiot. He is a vibrant, active, intelligent man. NOT the babbling, incoherent man lying on this cot. WE WILL NOT LEAVE UNTIL YOU GET SOMEONE HERE WHO KNOWS SOMETHING ABOUT WHY HE IS SUDDENLY INCOHERENT AND UNABLE TO STAND OR SPEAK CLEARLY!” Needless to say, we suddenly were surrounded my staff and they called someone “higher up” to threatened me. Turns out, THEY were the ones dressed down, and in front of me, for their horrible non-treatment!