If you could go back in time and change one decision that you made in your life, what would it be?

I, like many others, believe everything we do has a purpose, a reason. I also believe everything we do has a impact on something else, or someone else we may touch base with, in some time of our lives.

In my case, I would change my decision from the morning of January 7th, 2009. The morning, when  my husband woke me, at 3 am, and told me he was going to die. I regret my decision, to tell him to go back to bed, he was drunk, and roll over, and fall back asleep. I wish I would have stayed up with him, talking things out, spending our last hour together, before his death. I wish, instead of being mad at him that morning, I would have listened, and told him how much I love him, and how I cherished the last 4 years with him, how I apperictae him, and am thankful for the time together, and the son he gave me. I wish I would have spent more time, cuddling, talking, telling him how very much he has meant to me, aside from our tough times, I did love him.

I regret, being selfish, and never telling him how much I truly love him. And when the chance was taken from me… I regret not telling him how proud of him I was, for beating his drug addiction… for me and for James. Granted he couldnt kick the alcohol… but he did kick the other. I am more sorry, and I regret, never telling him what he meant to me… how he helped me, and changed me, so much. How much I love him, even now.

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i lost my hubby unexpectedly in january 2006. i know exactly where you’re coming from with this. I hope you’re doing alright. *hugs*

*hugs* Amanda, I’ve been thinking about this entry quite a long while this evening and wondering if there was a way you could turn the regrets into something worthwhile as a way to honor his memory. I know you don’t have money and your health puts a limit on the things you can do, but perhaps you would find something you could do for a few hours a week, donating your time, for a cause that helped people with addictions? Or perhaps in a hospital? I just thouht something along those lines might help you turn the guilt into something productive, rather than something destructive that is tearing you apart? *hugs* and more *hugs*

Hey love. I decided to come back to OD. Miss me? Love you babe Kat

When we look back at things we would like to have changed it seems so obvious that we wonder why on earth didnt I do that. And we kick ourselves and beat ourselves up over it. I know I do it a lot myself, my thoughts are with you hun. DR x

i’ve been told that each decision we make goes to making us a better person in the future. thing is history is repleet with yesterdays, and tommarow is a myth. i have made so many bad choices that the only one i do regret is the one that put me on the earth in the first place. you see as cliche’ as it sounds, i truly wish i had never been born.

sorry you lost your husband & didn’t have the chance to say goodbye. maybe he can hear you from wherever he is!