Sick kiddo. *E* 2








Amanda Eckert | Create Your Badge


I am home with a sick kiddo today. Nothing too exciting about that, lol. We got to the daycare, I was getting ready to drop him off, when he decided to go, "Mommy…" and throw up EVERYWHERE. Not just all over himself, but all over the backseat of my car, onto, thank God, leather seats.

Oh well, at least it made it easy to clean up. LOL. Hes in bed right now, signing his ABC’s and saying "Mommy, I LOVE YOU!" every few minutes. LOL. Hes such a nerd.

I have now been up since 3 am. Its 930 am. I am bummed about missing another day of school this course, but, it is nothing I can help.

I am in a better mood then I have been the last few days, I think, even though I had lack of sleep. I went to bed at 10, slept half a hr, woke up at 1031, passed back out about midnight, and then was up at 3 am. Im going to try and stay up until bedtime tonight…I dont know how well this will work, but Im gonna give it a shot, so I might be able to sleep tonight….

Im in the midst of recschudling several of my drs apts. They all seem to be conflicting with one another, or school. I dont know what I was thinking. LOL.

And, for the record, many of you have asked, yes, I have joined a FREE dating site. I have gotten no bites off it yet, but, Im trying. Lol. And Max, I have to say again, your note about E Harmony made me laugh so hard… I was crying. LOL.

I think lack of sleep has caught up with me… Im getting goofy… lol….

Much love to you all. I will update soon as I know something more about James, or myself with my drs apts….


Apts are reschedule, teacher emailed for class….and my son… LOL….My son is playing quietly, when he looks up at me, with no prompting, and tells me, "Mommy, I want a million dollars!" LOL…. I take it hes feeling better…


On the downside… my mom just called. My dog, who we have had 15 years, and hes a little dog… is about to be put down. Poor guy just isnt doing well, and hasnt been for a very long time…..Hes had several sizeures, and is bleeding non stop from his ass now… hes had a heart condition, ect… I know its time, but hes been MY buddy for the last 15 years… and now hes gonna be gone in a few hours.

Say a little prayer for my Buddy Dog. He will be missed, incredibly so.

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Will say a prayer for the puppy hon 🙁 That’s sad!

Best to do it yourselves? Are you kidding me? Exactly how do you plan to do it? I am sorry that you are losing your buddy, but there is only one humane and legal way to dispose of an ailing pet. That is euthanization through lethal injection. You can hold your pet and he just falls asleep in your arms knowing he is loved, rather than his last vision is his owner shooting him or hitting him with >>

>> a hammer or two-by-four or something. This an illegal act of animal cruelty punishable by jail time and/or fines. It’s not the 1800’s anymore. Sorry if my response offends you, but the very idea of this offends me.

Poor James! I hope he’s feeling better soon. I’m so sorry about Buddy. I know how hard it is to lose a faithful pet. Many *hugs*

hey! What am I supposed to do? This is a LONG trip and I’m already bored out of my fcking skull!! I gotta entertain myself somehow! 😛

Awww, I hope James feels better soon. Sorry to hear about your dog…it’s so hard to part with them, even when you know it’s for the best. *hugs* Glad you are feeling more upbeat these days. *reads your update* Glad James is feeling better. Which dating site did you join? Love you Mandi. Much love & many hugs.

chicken soup is a falacy, benedrill cures all.