November First.

Here we go again… *laughs* Every year I go back and forth on if I really want to do this or not…. and this year, I guess Im gonna give it a go.


First thought, pray for Annie today. Surgery is today, and they can come out with good news, or bad news. Pray its good news?

Baby Eathen was moved from the PICU to a normal room. No one has informed me as to what Neuro has said… so I dont know much more as of yet. I assume the family doesnt know much, either.

Things with the Lucero’s actually turned out well on Sat. We had a really good time.

Yesterday James’s had a blast. Some pics are on my FB from both Sat and Sun.

FMLA paperwork went in on Friday, which is great news, since I have a feeling I may be using it soon. I know next week I find out results from the testing, but Im feelin like crap right now. Im gonna try to go to work… but make no promises on staying.


Anyways. So thats the fast update 🙂 


Happy NoJoMo- ing!!




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Annie’s in my thoughts & prayers, of course. Glad James had so much fun & that spending time with your family members went well too. What does FMLA stand for? Hope the crappiness goes away soon. *big hugs* I hope you get a proper diagnosis from all the testing. Love you. You’re in my thoughts & prayers. Happy NoJoMo!

*HUGE HUGS* They need to get you some results so we know what’s going on… Can’t believe how long they’ve had you in limbo. You’d think SOMEONE would be able to come up with real answers. 🙁 Keeping baby Eathen in my prayers. *HUGS* Glad y’all had a good weekend, overall. Rest up, sweetheart. Love you dearly.

*hugs* I’m worrying about ya Mandi… hope things get resolved soon!