NoJoMo 5

So… in answer to one of my notes… yes, Bres trip did get pushed back quiet a bit… talk from Dec, to June… :'( Yes,. this upsets me. No, there is nothing I can do about it… cept hold on right now. And I will. 


The hacker has taken a break it appears. I am good with that. 


James had too much milk and candy yesterday, which lead us to being up from ten pm to midnight with him throwing up… Not fun… Felix always took care of James and I when sick… and to be honest? James hasnt done the projectile vomiting thing since Felix died… and I missed him more last night then ever. 


The demon thing that has been haunting me left a few nights ago… and went right over to moms. Tonight, she called to tell me she didnt know when it left, but it did… Im hoping it stays gone. I know it has traveled in my circle lately… with mom, with Trisha, and with me and James… and it worries me. More because its taking on the presence of Felix to get under our skin… *frowns* Dont like this thing tormenting my son. 


Its been rainy here tonight… which is okay. 

I have so much to write about… but after being up all night with James… I am simply exhausted, and its already near 9 pm…


Remember to fall back tonight, everyone. Set those clocks back one hour. 

Much love to everyone. One of these days, Ill spill everything thats been going on. But for tonight… I do think sleep is in order… along with wine, and a cheesy movie. 


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*hugs* Keeping you and yours in my thoughts. Love you!