Yes, I am going to use a prompt… 

1. Name something imaginary that you wish were real.


I wish for a name for the disease I have. I wish to know what it is thats eating at my body, that one day may kill me… I wish to know, so I can face this thing… This thing that has caused my strokes… that has left me memory- less. I wish to know… so I can face… and take action. I also wish to know… so I know how long it will be, or if I have a long life ahead of me. 


Yes, out of all my wishes… this is my one. 


I wish to know… and I wish my drs could figure it out. 

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*big hugs* I hope you get the answers you’re looking for. It’s frustrating not to know. Love you dearly. <3 <3 <3

Sometimes getting a name doesn’t help. *HUGE HUGS*

*hugs* Me too Mand, me too.

I wish they could figure it out too…it really scares me…not really knowing what is wrong… *HUGE HUGS* Love you dearly.