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Personally I prefer to puke alone! Well, if I must puke at all. Really could just do without it. Hope you feel better soon.

I agree. Men are cowards. *HUGE HUGS* Sorry Mand. Hope you feel better very, very soon! Love you!

i was letting the waters calm after that convo. but if you dont feel like noting, no problem. sometimes i need some one to show me the other side. yea sure i wasnt thrilled, i was scared. plus… a few other things. lately its more than hormones, im stressed out and i say say much due to others tend to take it wrong. i dont have a outlet so i stuck to venting with music, not so good idea.

and ryn, to the previous convo, if it absolutely needed then they will have to knock me out i am not taking a needle in the back. hospitals freak me out …. Quite a Bit. this is why i prefer a natural birth and it seems more women that i know of go “i dont want to feel any pain, and i must have a choice.” do i make any sense? or am i rambling?