NJM 30- I Made it through!!!





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Hey all. I made it through NJM this year without a issue. Thats awesome. LOL.

So… looks like I found THE place for James and I. Its 1155 sq feet, has a dishwasher (which I haven’t had in 3 years), a FIREPLACE, and a patio… oh, and a WASHER AND DRYER (which I haven’t had since I lived back home, lmao).

The rooms are on opposite ends of the house…

The whole thing is HUGE. And gorgeous. We looked at 5 places. And the one I mentioned, the housing one? Um. The place is no bigger than mine currently, even though it’s a two bedroom… And was MORE price wise. Yeah, no. Was less then impressed.

And yes, for those of you who might remember me mentioning this place, it is the one 5 minutes away from my mom (if that!!) and is the one I looked at back a few months ago.

Im excited. I will know by tomorrow if I need a co signer, and if I do, my mom and dad are willing to sign, to have James and I

closer to them. And, if all works out, I will be on the top floor, hence the fire place, the vaulted ceilings… Would be a bitch to move into, but would be heaven to be there… Plus, the view is AWESOME.

This would be my Christmas present to James and I. The only downfall, if it can really be called that, is the hour commute, for work… Yes, I will have to keep working. *sighs* Oh well.

It would be $859 a month, with a $22 trash/ water deal. With would mean, during the three checks I get a month, (my typical two from work, and my one for James) would mean I would take $293.67 out of each check. Which, would be MORE then doable.

*grins* Can you tell, Im stoked? This is the best bit of news to happen to me… in so long. Oh, and, I will also get new furniture. Which would mean more to me then I can tell you.

Now, all I need is someone to cuddle with by that fireplace… And I’m set…. *giggles*



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Yay! *happy cheers* So happy for you Mandi. Wishing you the very best. Love you; you’re in my thoughts and prayers. Much love and many hugs.

sounds like things are falling into place. How are the health issues coming along?