NJM 24








Amanda Eckert | Create Your Badge

Getting worried. No meds are helping. Coughing getting worse. No temp that I can tell…but vomititng has continued. Headache worse. lack of sleep getting to be too much… have a call in to my drs office… hoping she will just call in a cough syrup and not make me come in…. *Sighs* Also hopin this is not pneumonia, which is possible…

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🙁 I hope that whatever it is, is diagnosed properly and that you get better soon. You’re in my thoughts & prayers. Love you.

Hope you feel better soon! I also hope it isn’t pneumonia!! ~hugs~

H1N1 gave me walking pneumonia…it’s all too easy… *sad lil’ frown* I know you don’t want to, sweetheart, but if you don’t start getting better soon, please go to the ER. I’m really worried about you and with all your health problems… Things can go from bad to REALLY BAD in a flash. 🙁 *HUGS* Love you, Mandi. Praying for you. Take good care.

*hugs* Your in my thoughts and prayers!!