NJM 18 — Something is off….*E* x2








Amanda Eckert | Create Your Badge


I think I OD’d on my meds (Which would be funny, since I took the same amount, the same time, the same way as every day before), which has led to a very… off… feeling… I have vomited 3 times today… Cant shake the feeling like I was run over, and then backed up on again.

I hurt so bad. This is insane. I am dizzy, on top of everything else…

Drs apt in like 30 minutes…. Please, pray. I am scared. And, it takes a lot to scare me anymore… but this disconnected feeling has me very worried.


They are calling in a anti neasua med. Thats all they can do. The biopsy for me, did, though, come back negitive. Still nothing from James’s dr…I do have to question if they took a big enough sample… *Sighs* I dont know. God knows, that office is so confused, thanks to the state and my insurace company… we keep switching insurances. LOL.

Anyways. Thats all.

*EDIT 2*

We have traced my neasua down to the milk I drank last night. The experation day was/ is today. However. When I looked at the top of the carton, there was some major curdling.

Which totally made me throw up again.

I used that milk last night to cook with.

The neasua/ pain today is in part due to my not taking my Tram, because I thought I over did it on it, and thats also why I have been so sleepy. And I didnt have my Tamadol for almost a month, and just restarted taking it. When I took it the first time, I had to have a anti neasua med with it.


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Oh sweetie! I hope everything will be OK! Let us know! Love you!

sounds like parvo.

*hugs* Hope you feel better soon!

Eek, that’s not at all fun. 🙁 I hope you feel better soon. *hugs you* You’re in my thoughts & prayers. Much love & many hugs.

Well, I AM glad you didn’t OD 🙁 But icky milk sucks. Hubby did that once. He was hung over and accidently had spoilt milk with his cereal. Totally got sick later that day.

it was either parvo, which is a puppy disease, or the black plauge.

I hate when that happens with milk!!! What is the date for if it’s gonna go bad before it…ugh! Hope you’re feeling better soon!

Eeewww… 🙁 Thank God it wasn’t any more serious…how scary. Oh sweetheart…you really do just have all the luck, don’t you?? *HUGE HUGS*