Mixed entry

Nothing like the mountians to get your mind clear, and thnking back on track. Somedays.

Today was a long day. Didn’t write about my drs apt on Friday… well… because simply if you saw my facebook, you know whats going on.

Went in Friday, after a long day of going getting my nails done, then going to Felix’s grave… went into the drs office, and my mom and sister went with me, for memory control, mainly. But also, in the event something is to happen to me, I want my mom knowing as much as I do, so she can explain things to paramedics.

(God forbid)

Anyways. It was discovered that I do indeed have full blown diabetes. I am guessing type two, seriously, but, there is a chance of it being type one. I will know more after my meeting with the dietician.

However, it is felt it is bad enough that they are sending me to a optiologist. Because, it is so full blown hes afraid it might be hindering my only eye, therefore my eyesight. (Many of you know, that I am blind in my left eye, birth defect, that has now been found to have been caused by a blood clot forming, hindering the formation of my optic nerve.

So, the dietician should call this week, to set up a appt. The optimologist I will call Monday, to set something up with.

On top of the full blown diabetes, my pain is caused by neuropathy. Which, I knew the minute he said diabetes….

I also have a Vitamin D deficiency. My Vit D was VERY low.

So, Im back on several meds I never wanted to see again, on new ones I never thought I would see…Back on the Coumadin….joy… back on Vitamin D suppliments… and on Metformin. Which, should regulate my body some, female wise if you will, and kind of get some of the diabetes under control, until they get my other labs back they took today.

So, went to the mountains today with James. Figured it would be a nice little escape. Had a good drive, was very relaxed… until we hit the edge of town, and the main highway…

We came upon a accident that must have happened seconds before we got there. Thankfully, someone was already doing CPR on this man… though, I have a sinking feeling, it wont help him any.

A motorcyclist was coming around a corner (appeared too fast) and flew from his bike, causing obvious head and chest trauma. I started to stop, because I am still a first responder. BUT, as I was pulling to the side, I saw the firetruck getting there, so, I knew he would be in good hands. Plus, a nurse who was coming home from work, and still in her scrubs, had stopped to help, and was doing CPR.

As I was pulling away, I saw the ambulance approaching the corner, and a police vehicle behind it. So, I felt better about not stopping. One extra person would have been in the way.

But, as we pulled away, and further down the road… I saw  a paramedic sup. Which, sadly, is never a good sign. My best guess, because nothing is on the news yet about this, the man who was either hit/ flew, was dead.


But, good news is, it was a great day overall, didn’t get lost in the hills, as the last time I went was with Felix, LOL… and James is exhausted, as am I. lmao. Hey, it works.

There is still nothing in the news about this bike accident today… which really worries me. May he either make a full recovery, or RIP… *frowns*

Also appears there was another crash this morning, 115 am, with two of our men from Ft Carson. *sighs* Names have not been released… but Im praying its no one I know, since I know a lot of men down there….


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*hugs* How awful.