

I saw this, on PS… and instantly thought of Rich.






 I give up. Im done. Im done. Im done.

The car broke down, on a MAJOR highway out here today. Leaving me stranded, and now, car-less, until further notice.

Kate: hey how have u been? hows the tat healing?
rick82901: im ok
rick82901: the tat is doing good
Kate: so when u gonns be in denver
Kate: we should hang out
rick82901: yeah
rick82901: are you amandas sister
rick82901: we should huh
Kate: no
Kate: my sisters are named amy
rick82901: so you dont know amanda eckert?
Kate: snd they live in philly
rick82901: oh ok
rick82901: cause this girl named amanda eckert says that im marry and that I lied to her lol haha…and that your her sister and you busted me?
Kate: im sure there is more than one person with my name kate
rick82901: yeah
rick82901: I agree
rick82901: so..whats up
rick82901: sorry
rick82901: this woman is on my nerves lol
Kate: why
Kate: is she ur girl?
rick82901: nope
Kate: oh ok
Kate: when u gonna be in denver so we can chill?
Kate: and why is she on ur nerves?
rick82901: everything she is over reacting on everything what ever happened to her husband and what not and now im supposely caught up in a lie and thats funny
rick82901: I never really fell for her so she needs to move on
Kate: have u told her that?
rick82901: ben trying to
Kate: then be blunt but i dont think u should be leading her on
rick82901: ok
rick82901: so you dont know her and what not?
Kate: well u should hook me up with a number so we csn meet up?
Kate: i only know one amanda and shes in hawaii
rick82901: its my work phone and thats not really in anyones hands
rick82901: but im sure I can be up there soon
Kate: how soon?
Kate: then u can take me out
rick82901: you want me to take you out?
rick82901: where?
rick82901: what part of denver?
Kate: northglenn
rick82901: oh k
Kate: and u can take me to a movie and dinner
rick82901: thats cool
rick82901: ok that sounds cool
rick82901: you would like that?
Kate: hell yeah a hot guy taking me out
Kate: why wouldnt i
rick82901: You think Im hot?
Kate: yes
Kate: but i gotta run
Kate: ill ttyl
Kate: have a good day
rick82901: oh ok
rick82901: you too
rick82901 is typing…
rick82901: bye


And then that… and here is the talk him and I had, after that…


Amanda: um. so you never said this:
Amanda: rick82901: I never really fell for her so she needs to move on
Amanda: so if you never really fell for me, then why tell me you love me, eh?
Rick Buono: so you were talking to kate sparks right
Amanda: Im  not stupid rich. I dont play games.
Rick Buono: neither do I lol
Amanda: Apparently you do, since you told Kate that you dont love me.
Rick Buono: I always loves someone that likes me or I care for
Amanda: rick82901: this woman is on my nerves lol
oahusonlykls@ymail.com: why
oahusonlykls@ymail.com: is she ur girl?
Rick Buono: yeah you talked to kate sparks that says that she doesnt know you lol haha..thats fucking stupid
Rick Buono: lol
Rick Buono: nice
Rick Buono: …..
Amanda: so tell me, why then play this fuckin game, hunh? If you never really fell for me, what does it matter? I knew you were bsing me, and I fell for you anyways. Ive always had the feeling. I told you that. Now that I know this shit… and yes, Kate Sparks IS my sister. Shes sitting here, WITH ME, in my apartment. Why did you lie, Rich? Now I know why you wont give me your cell number. If I drive you that crazy…. Why tell me you love me?
Amanda: If you didnt like me, y

ou should have just been blunt. I could have taken a much better hint, then calling me baby, telling me you love me, ect.
Rick Buono: lol haha…ok for first of all I dont know you really so yeah of course I wont give you my number and Im not some fucking idiot to give my number up and I thought I loved you cause you cared for me for only me…and second I cant stand what I heard
Rick Buono: ok? it was mixed feelings I am not sure I couldve dealed with taht
Rick Buono: that
Rick Buono: not right now anyways..
Rick Buono: Im always busy and maybe no time for a girlfriend
Amanda: Well. The thing is. You told me you loved me… Im really confused now… Apparently you didnt want me.
Rick Buono: and thats just how I feel right now
Amanda: And what you heard is me freaking out cause Im homeless, and Im worried about money. And when someone tells me they will help me and dont, I get hurt. And obviously, you cant keep your story straight. I cant believe I trusted you.
Rick Buono: I thought I did
Rick Buono: well my mom lost her house too
Rick Buono: im sorry
Rick Buono: I did have time to help you but I wasnt sure how soon you needed help cause all you would say is that you needed help
Rick Buono: maybe instead of dropping the  bomb shell on me that you were losing your house I wouldve helped sooner
Amanda: I told you when I needed help. I also told you I love you. Why do you think I said I was moving to Canada? Really, Rich?
Rick Buono: buy why????
Amanda: cause I have no where else to go, and I have friends there, who can put me up. But why lie to me? Why tell Kate that I annoy you? Apparently you dont love me at all.
Rick Buono: I am trying to figure out why you loved me so much when I cant even come and see you as soon as I wanted and you put that as a non believing
Rick Buono: cause it started to annoy me hon, Im sorry
Rick Buono: give me some space and let me think
Rick Buono: its ok
Rick Buono: really but let me think with alot of things I need to do like help you help my brother and help my mother
Rick Buono: Its all coming at once Im sorry
Amanda: Fine. Think on it. If you decide Im what you truly want, you contact me. As for not giving your number up? When you tell someone you love them? You hand over your number. I didnt hesitate to give you mine. I loved you. I love you. I dont even know if I can trust you anymore though.I dont need your help anymore. So dont count me into that mess. I will make it on my own. I just thought we connected really well, and had a lot in common, like my husbands death.
Rick Buono: and we did
Rick Buono: I will ok
Amanda: Apparently we didnt.
Rick Buono: Im sorry it hurt you but im truthfully going to let you know


**AND yes folks… THIS is MY life….**




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witchys wikked graphix

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You know that you are better off without him. He is two-faced and a very confused individual. F*ck all men!! All they have that we don’t is a weiner, and d*ldos work just as well. Plus d*ldos don’t lie! They really do love you!! lol Sorry about your car. Cars are almost as bad as men!

Love the message you tacked onto this entry 🙂