Health Update… Not a good one…*E*








  I had a hell of a morning, to say the least. My car was finished last night. So, we went and got it, and then, this morning, I had to go get my emissions done, and my plates. No big deal, right? Couldnt find the damn emissions place… finally found it, after having been up since 630 am, and searching for it… Got there, got that done, went to the DMV, got my tags and plates (a whole $103! ouch…) and then went on to my hematologist apt.

I knew my levels would be high. They were high my last reading, over a week ago.

But who would have known… Now, for my new readers, I will explain this as best as I can. The blood levels are to check my thickness of my blood. The lower the level the higher the risk for clots and another stroke. The higher the number, the greater chance for a bleed in my brain, or my internal organs. The theoretically want me at 2.3 or 2.5. Between 2.0 and 3.0 is perfection. My last reading was 4.1…. Their meter only reads UP TO 8.0, and anything greater, you have to have your blood drawn and sent to a lab for a stat reading. Todays reading? GREATER then 8.0. High enough, we couldnt get the read… and so, it has been sent to lab for further read… I should know in the next hour to two how high it was… They gave me a dose of vitamin K, and let me come home, until further notice… *sighs* (The Vit K will LOWER my dose in a very quick amount of time. Normally, a dose of Vit K will lower me too low… but in this case, we need to do what we can to bring it down.) I cannot take my meds until Monday, after my next stick.

So, thats what I have, for now, to report. As soon as I hear from the dr, Ill update. Until then, Im going to lay down, and try not to think about it.


9.4 is where my reading came back at. Just stick with the Vitamin K, and if anything strange happens this weekend, Im to go in. Otherwise, recheck levels Monday.  




witchys wikked graphix
witchys wikked graphix

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*HUGS* Praying for you, sweetheart… Just been a helluva day. 🙁

guess they already told you don’t eat broccolli or alfalfa correct? think those are natural blood thinners

i am worried.

*hugs* What a viscious roller-coaster! But then, you predicted this when they put you back on the anti-coagulent regime that had caused problems before, didn’t you? Was that one or two doctor’s appointments ago?

I know you would hate being in the hospital, but I do wish they would admit you. They need to monitor your blood pressure so they will know if a bleed begins. Just take it easy and pay close attention to how you are feeling. If you feel weird at all then get to the hospital. I sure hope something positive starts happening with your health. Have you ever watched a show called mystery diagnosis? >>

>> I watch it late at night, and you’d be amazed at the number of people who are wrongly diagnosed or just can’t find any diagnosis. And then suddenly a new doc comes in and says Hey, I know what this is. I sure hope they can get you all fixed up and healthy…and soon. Love you!