First Public entry in I dont know how long…

Now… I want to point this out this morning, as it hit me over the head like a brick. 


So.. we can gather up to stop Animal abuse (which, I agree with stopping the abuse)… 


However. We turn a blind eye to child abuse? 


"Oh, it doesnt effect me!" You might say. "If I get involved, I will only be starting trouble for myself…" or the famous "But if I call, they will try to look into my home life too… and I simply dont want that…." 


Truth is? Millions of kids around the world are abused DAILY. Thats DAILY folks. 


Yes, animals are special. But when do they become more important then, oh, I dont know, SAVING OUR FUTURE? 


The kids ARE our future… and its HIGH TIME we step up, realize, and awknowledge this. 


Yes, PETA is a GOOD thing. Yes, I am AGAINST Animal Abuse. 




I am MORE against CHILD ABUSE… because it could be you, your children, your brother, your sister, your nieces…..  nephews… 


Think about it. 


It could be that girl walking on the street with the black turtle neck on… even tho its 70 degrees here in Colorado… 


It could be that child who claims she fell, and has a black eye… or a cast even… 


It could be staring you right in the face as we speak. 


Dont ignore any longer. Lets stand up, and put a stop to child abuse, shall we?


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Happy Belated birthday wishes! I don’t know how I missed that it was your birthday earlier this month. This is a good entry. It’s so sad that people fear to do the right thing when it comes to kids. They mocked Hillary Clinton’s book “It Takes a Village” however, the truth of the matter is that I believe all adults are resposible for helping (if nothing other than providing a positiveinteraction and example to follow) any child that crosses their path.