ER Visit

On Monday night, I started running 103 fever, mixed with chills, and severe headache.

Tues, I got up, went to work even as miserable as I was, to try and get through the day. I only made it till 11 am, then had to leave. I was crying.


Last night, my fever kept spiking to 103.3, and my throat was swelling horribly. At one point, I was positive my throat would close, and I couldn’t drink water.

Took James to school this morning, then I promptly took myself to the ER.

The doc I saw yesterday said I did not have a infection. The doc I saw today? Said there was a OBVIOUS infection. Kept me on the Z pack for antibiotics, but gave me a muscle relaxer, ibuprofen, and a refill on tramadol. That’s two pain Med’s, really three, but the Ibuprofen really to kill the fever.


Things with D on that front couldn’t be better. He called me Monday after work, and then again today to check on me. He was so cute today when he called… so worried. Which, I appericate, more then words can say. I had to giggle. But then again, I was heavily medicated, so giggling came naturally to me. LOL. He’s so wonderful, though, I couldn’t ask for better. Really.


I’m anxious for August to get here, so I can go down to see him for a few days. And, during one of the days He’s at work, I plan on going to see a OD fav from here… Jasmine. *grins* I’m so excited.


Anyways, Med’s are kicking back in, its 9 pm. Though I slept all day, I am going to go pass back out. I love you all.



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I hope you get to feeling better soon!

At least the ER doc knew what the Hell s/he was talking about! Thank goodness you didn’t just stop at the first opinion. Glad you’re doing a bit better. *HUGS* YAY for going to see both D and Jasmine! What a great ((and much needed)) vacation. 🙂

*big hugs* I’m glad the second doctor was able to help you out. I hope you feel better soon! <3 So glad D is there for you. Very sweet, and it is exactly what you need. I can’t wait until we will meet. It will really nice to hang out with you. *hugs* Thinking of and praying for you. Love you dearly.

*gentle hugs* Glad things are well with D… and hope your feeling better very soon!