Are we clear? Can you hear me now?

Um… just to make it clear? (Because I had two notes basically saying the same thing…)


I HAVE found someone who makes me VERY happy. The man LOVES me as much, if not more, as I love him. I am not going to give this up… He hasn’t run after the last few weeks of unloading my past and insecurities… and I doubt he will. Therefore… I am going to hold on to this one, capice? Thanks…


I do appreciate the concern. I do. But really? I am finally happy. Yes, I mentioned my ex’s in the last entry… but I am not giving this up…. I have finally found someone who I could see myself with… someone who loves me AND my son….

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I’m glad you and Dustin have each other. *big hugs* I hope things work out for you! Love you. Thinking of you. <3

I’m rooting for you guys Mandi… because it’s so good to see you smiling and happy again. if he breaks your heart, I break EVERY. BONE. Ok? So go on, be happy!

Wonderful! jarrod is the same for me. best of luck and may your dreams come true… and i mean the good ones!

Oh my God… *heavy sigh* Can’t people just be HAPPY FOR YOU?! Really…? Is it REALLY all that hard?? *sadly shakes her head* *HUGS* I, for one, am very happy for you, sweetheart. And you know I wish you all the happiness in the world. Love you.

I’m happy for you. I have found someone new too, and he makes me happier than I have ever been. We’re expecting a baby in March, and I couldn’t be more excite. I wish you the best, hun.