9 days later….

I’m still hanging around.


I have been a bad ODer lately… I rarely read… I hardly never note…


But I’m here.


Have had a horrid streak of bad luck. If you follow me on FB… you know most of it. Was seeing someone, ended up not working out days after he convinced me to change my relationship statuses…. He just one day went MIA.


The man I was seeing, if you can call it that, before him, I was under a suspicion that he lied and was married… turns out? I was wrong.


My car broke down again. I’m currently car-less, and worried about going back to work… have a sneaky suspicion when I get back, it will not be pretty.


My health? Not good. Haven’t heard back on that CAT… but also haven’t been able to get in with not having a car….


other then that? Shit generally sucks. And I am trying to be more positive, so I don’t write it all out.


But, on the good news? I am alive. James is well.


I miss my Felix. *sighs* 1 yr and 6 months later… I still miss him so bad it hurts.

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*big hugs* It’s good to read a new entry from you. I hope things get better… Sending you lots of love & hugs and saying prayers for you. Feel free to call or text if you need anything. <3

I sure wish we lived in the same town. I could at least help you out with rides and childcare. Wanna move to Fla? Hoping things start to look up for you soon…healthwise and other. Love & hugs~

*huge hugs*

my new book is called justyn tyme.

Being alive is always good news, smiles.

Thanks for the note

this place is for spilling the beans.

Hi Mandi. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you & praying for you. Love you dearly. Much love and many hugs.