







Amanda Eckert | Create Your Badge

All is well.

Drs apt with the therapist on the 17th.

Drs apt tomorrow for a massive sinus infection.

Also have a meeting on the 17th to start talking to someone about therapy… yes…. it is needed.


Am susposed to have a date this weekend, thinking I will cancel… not comfterable with this idea, anyways, as he went out with a friend of mine once… though, she is a back stabber, and liar… I still… guilt….


Oh well.


Thats about it. James is good. I am alive.

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*hugs* Hopt it all goes well for you. Thinking of and praying for you. <3 you.

Hi. And *hugs*

It’s good you are alive. 🙂 RYN: Yeah, Dr Beene wants him to take it with his largest meals of the day.

RYN: No insurance. It’s all cash pay. Dr. Beene tries to work with us though and finds ways to get around ALOT of our medical expenses. The monitor she gave him today actually came with a discount card for his test strips and lancets. About the medicine; she also said that it would cause the..bathroom issues for up to 5-6 weeks worse case scenario and then eventually it would getless and less of an issue. As for me..? I’m tired and stressed and mentally exhausted. Not to mention quite bitchy and throwing myself into a book when I can. It helps me de-stress