2005 – a Year in Review

My Year In Review

For those of you who haven’t read me all year this is a good place and time to catch up 🙂 A quick reference to the important things that happened this year (as much as I can remember anyways)


  • I felt love, pain, joy, sadness, anger, excitement, jealousy, weariness, confusion, compassion, and hope..
  • I started writing on Open Diary
  • Don officially left Iraq for station in Kuwait… the end of his service in the war
  • Got offered my promotion at work
  • Sent off my enrollment for school… big step!
  • Realized had no goal for my life
  • Set up some goals to meet for the month
  • Failed to meet said goals.
  • Termed my life a "rollercoaster of emotion"
  • Admitted that I lie to myself every day
  • Began plans for my summer vaction


  • Met Daniel
  • Don arrived home to Louisiana
  • Started my course work for my Auto Technician degree
  • Officially took my place as a mechanic at work
  • Turned 25
  • Had the best birthday of my life
  • Once again failed to meet my monthly goals


  • Got to carpool with Todd to work for 2 weeks *wink wink*
  • Had tonsilitis 🙁
  • Booked our cabin in Tennessee
  • Jason was handed his 2-1/2 year sentance
  • Fell in love with Ben & Jerry’s Magic Brownies ice cream
  • Survived


  • Depression set in
  • Got rear-ended
  • Realized how boring my life is without Erica


  • Passed out at work
  • Went play at Mouse’s house *wink wink*
  • Went to the Smokey Mountains
  • White Water Rafting!!!
  • Gerri got married!!
  • Saw the Beach Boys perform at Casino Magic – Bay St. Louis (sniff)


  • Performed in my first dance recital
  • Finally bought a digital camera
  • Got a new hairstyle
  • Jason got his transfer to federal prison
  • Failed at my planned financial organization
  • Survived


  • Realized my fear of commitment
  • Became a "regular" at the Tropical Isle
  • Met El and lot of new New Orleans locals
  • Found out that tourtist in the Quarter do NOT know where Seasame Street is
  • Admitted to everyone that I feel lost
  • Realized my true fear of being stuck and never moving forward
  • Had GROUPIES on Broubon Street!!


  • Spent some time with Mags in Lafayette
  • Met Josh
  • Took my Anual trip to North Carolina
  • Read "A Walk to Remember"
  • Went Kyaking for the first time
  • Got to spend another week carpooling with Todd 😀
  • Gave my cigs away thinking I’d quit smoking
  • Found out Mrs. Elsie has cancer
  • Hurricane Katrina


  • Hurricane Rita
  • Got in a wreck
  • Missed New Orleans alot.

<br style=”text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(255, 153, 0); font-weight: bold;”/>October

  • Concluded that everything changed for me when I was 19.
  • Admitted that I have a problem drowning my sorrows in alcohol.
  • Found a bit of clarity
  • Josh disappeared out of my life
  • Started opening up to my OD groupies (I love you guys!!)
  • Found out my cousin Aaron is an asshole
  • Got addicted to MySpace
  • Found out Fractured had regrouped as Slow the Knife
  • Failed to quit smoking


  • Started seeing a psychologist
  • Saw Josh Rowland play for the first time in a VERY long time
  • Realized how good of a friend Nikki has really been to me
  • Found out I’m clinically depressed
  • Made a conscious decision to stop smoking again
  • Thought alot about love
  • Saw Slow the Knife play
  • Failed to quit smoking
  • First Thanksgiving without Gerri
  • Fucked Todd
  • Admitted that I was in love with Milton
  • Admitted that I was falling in love with Todd
  • Put up the Christmas tree without Gerri 🙁


  • Told Todd how I felt about him
  • Got fucked over by Todd
  • Found out Todd is an asshole
  • Changed the look of my OD
  • Changed my attitude
  • First Christmas Eve without Gerri
  • Started plans for New Year’s Eve

There are many things I’d change this year, but its not in my power. At least I feel like I’ve moved forward a little towards making myself better. I still feel like crap most of the time, and I still cry myself to sleep, but at least I’ve survived this year.

To all, hopes for a wonderful 2006, I know I’m praying for one.

Happy New Year!

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December 27, 2005

WOw… This year really has been a huge year for you … *hug* I can’t believe that Todd turned out to be a fking loser ! HOW DARE HE !!! Anyway, I just hope that this year has been more of a learning year for you – and I hope that 2006 will see a better future for you : ) *hug*

We can’t change the past .. but we can move forward in our tomorrows.. I love you.. always. Gremlin

December 30, 2005

Happy New Year, hun. You deserve it! *hugs*