Wake up, wake up, Smurfhillbilly Joe!
Horoscope: You might find yourself just wanting to stick to the couch today, dear Libra. This is fine. Don’t even get up if you don’t want to. You are probably better off just sticking close to home and enjoying a good video tonight. If people ask you how you are doing, give them an honest answer. Others will be able to see right through you, so don’t try to hide your feelings. Express them. Today is a good day to say how you really feel.
How strange that it takes one thing or one person to completely turn my life. I’m happy. Extremely happy. I did cut a little today but nothing serious, nothing worse mentioning really. I only mentioned it because it was the first time for a while. But, you know what, I don’t even care about it. It’s fine.
Looked after little Lauren for a while tonight because her parents were going to see Jo Brand and couldn’t get a babysitter so they got me (I babysat for them when I was younger). Had some fun actually. I haven’t seen little Lauren for a while so it was good to catch up. Well as much as you can catch up with a kid…updated on her PS2 game collection and how it’s grown since last time. (there were a couple I actually wanted a go on – and I never play on video games). Played hide and seek *shrugs* was actually quite funny. Played a game with those balloons you blow up and they scream and go around the room. Was fucking hilarious. I have to play that with my 18 year old friends. I haven’t laughed so much in ages (but she did beat me…and I didn’t even let her). She showed me her new playroom and she has 2 drawings I drew for her last time I babysat. How cute is that?? All the other pictures are hers but there are 2 of mine. One was a parrot and I wrote “To Lauren. Hope you like my fat parrot! Love Big Lauren”. The other was a giraffe which was eating some leaves (get me and my detail) and I wrote “To Lauren. My giraffe is eating just like you always are!Love Big Lauren” I was generous with my words. If I remember rightly though I was very very sick of drawing. We had spent the entire evening drawing and I just was not interested anymore. Damn kids. hehe. Nah I love her to pieces really. She’s hyperactive, nosy, spoiled, noisy, giggley, silly and a complete show off. I love her! lol. But her dad. *sighs* I do like him. But he just makes little comments like “Oh yeah, it was the other day I saw you sitting on the train station and I thought ‘cor…look at her…oh it’s Lauren!'”. I just wanna say “shut up. you are old and balding and your wife and daughter are standing next to you. you are not flattering me you are creeping me out.” *shrugs*
I was only going to write a couple of sentences or two but I just keep on gassing don’t I? (I’m in an extremely ODish mood recently not sure why…)
*shuts up*
– Loz xx