
blank space…what to write, what to write.

i lack enthusiasm for my diary lately. kinda pissed off right now. they’ve posted something really bad in the news paper about something really bad that happened but they have totally exaggerated it and made it sound much worse and posted everyones names and addresses when they were asked to keep it annoymous. fuck it.

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February 10, 2006

I’m sorry that your all pissed off. I’m sad and depressed today. I just feel like shit emotionally. Hopefully things will get better for the both of us. Have a great weekend! Take Care! Much Love, Robin

February 10, 2006

I’m sorry that your all pissed off. I’m sad and depressed today. I just feel like shit emotionally. Hopefully things will get better for the both of us. Have a great weekend! Take Care! Much Love, Robin

Ah, media, what great people they are.. (/sarcasm). Sorry that you’re pissed off about whatever they printed. I know what you mean about the diary. Lately I’ve been just posting random music and such for filler lol. ♥♥ you bunches!

Ah, media, what great people they are.. (/sarcasm). Sorry that you’re pissed off about whatever they printed. I know what you mean about the diary. Lately I’ve been just posting random music and such for filler lol. ♥♥ you bunches!

February 10, 2006

sounds weird. hope nothing too damaging was in there. and that you’re having a nice tonight. *peace signs and smiley faces*

February 10, 2006

sounds weird. hope nothing too damaging was in there. and that you’re having a nice tonight. *peace signs and smiley faces*

February 11, 2006

RYN: yeah, that’s what happens when I’m whole-brained. 😀

February 11, 2006

RYN: yeah, that’s what happens when I’m whole-brained. 😀

Aw i hope this newspaper thing sorts itself out soon, dont let it bring you down again hun. Keep smiling sweetie! Chin up! xx

Aw i hope this newspaper thing sorts itself out soon, dont let it bring you down again hun. Keep smiling sweetie! Chin up! xx

xxx Happy Valentines Day xxx

xxx Happy Valentines Day xxx