non moaning entry

this entry will have no moans. ive had such a good day today. i got up early and went to work. it was FUN! im not being sarcastic, it was pretty fun. i spend about an hour at the beginning standing nowhere near my department chatting to a friend i had been talking about giving a blow job to the night before, lol. he wants me to give him a bj, and he is FIT! then i went to my department, i had left it tidy last night so there wasnt any tidying to do. then i spent a while doodling and working out how long til xmas and then left a note saying how long til xmas and decorated it with pictures of holly and xmas trees using the green and red ball poibnt pens, very artistic, even if i do say so myself. joe, they guy i was talking to about the bj kept coming to see me. and ashley came to see me. laura came in 30 mins before i left and i showed her how i was doing nothing but there was stuff to do and invited her to join me. we had fun!

ok, now going to my nans for dinner, yayness on a stick! i love her roast potatoes!


Purple Eyeshadow xx

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i wish my days wer as happy as that limm

November 28, 2004

why can’t I have fun at work? *sighs* from Brian

November 30, 2004

my job is crap! I envy you! J.