My life’s history: Saturday through Tuesday
Saturday through Monday
Went to Jason’s house. Wooface. It was fun. He sucks at cooking but it was fun (OMG don’t tell him I said that) Nah bless his little heart he tried and it was actually quite nice and I wasn’t poisoned…what more could I ask for? We didn’t really do anything. I love being lazy with him. It was nice spending so much time with him. It sucks because it’s so great when I’m physically with him but when I’m not with him I doubt it. Blah it sucks.
Anyway. I stayed at his Saturday night and all Sunday I didn’t smoke. Man. Bad idea. I know he doesn’t like me smoking so I tried not to. By Monday afternoon I was stressy as fuck. Man, now i feel sorry for the poor lad. I just couldn’t stand him hugging me or touching me or coming near me and he was like "what the hell is up with you" and after a while i was like…i just really need to smoke. So I ended up going and having 3 superkings and straight away he reckons i had an ear to ear grin lol. I didn’t think I was addicted. Man, I was wrong. He told me never to try to give up smoking. God, I was so stressy. When I woke up Sunday morning I couldn’t breathe because I was panicking. I think it must’ve been to do with the no nicotine thing lol. Until I smoked I had to take a deep breath every 5 mins or so because I felt like I wasn’t getting enough air. I know it doesn’t make sense. meh.
Good but tiring day today. I started work at 9 and opened up the shop. Good so far, yes? No. There was a note in the diary (well there were many notes but the one I took most notice of was this one) that said "Lauren, The shelf in the stockroom collapsed yesterday and all of the swing tickets are on the floor. They need to be sorted. Try and get it done before the delivery comes" The delivery comes at about 10 – 10.30. There are swing tickets for £3, £5, £7, £10, £12, £15, £17, £20, £25,£30, £35, £40, £45, £50, £60, £65, £70 and blank ones. We have at least one or two hundred of each price range and at least three or four hundred blank ones. Now I’m not good at maths but that makes a lot of swing tickets in a big pile on the stock room floor. So I spent an hour and a half clearing them and sorting them into their prices boxes. Great fun eh?
Then delivery came. and laura was late. she got stuck at the doctors. But, it was OK. I started it on my own and she got in about an hour later and I had almost finished unpacking the boxes and she started on one of the rails. We got it all unpacked. And we were asked to start merchandising. Yeah that didn’t go to well at all because I can only do it with my deputy manager. lol, she asks for a lot of help and pretty much lets me do it and then helps me. My boss is just so good at it that I feel any suggestions I make would be silly. But Laura has never done it. So I was basically doing it on my own. Which sucked ass. I can’t do it on my own. It’s so difficult. (Oh, by the way merchandising is basically putting the stock out. It doesn’t sound hard but we get so many rules and so many different zones that have to have specific colour groupings. We were doing the section that Babuska2 and Nomad Fashion (the ranges) have to go in. And that’s split into two sections. The first has to have the colours red stone khaki denim and brown. Now, last week it was red stone denim and black. Bah to you Wallis. So we basically start again with the wall that the first group is on. We take off all the black and find we have LOADS of red. 2 khaki skirts (one of which looked so nice where it was we werent moving it) and loads of brown but no brown that really looked nice next to the red stuff we had. So bascially the whole wall was RED and it sucked. We kinda got it looking half decent. but didn’t even get started on the rest so…Jane can spend tomorrow doing it. To be fair we did only have 1.5 hours to do it if that and it takes all day.
Anyway, had lunch today with Ashley and Rachel Stevens. Had lots and lots of fun. Was good to see those two again. *smiles to self* They are good friends. Rachibear is going through shit with her boyfriend (the Simon I got drunk with Thursday) and Ashley is happy and horny as Larry. I’m assuming that Larry is horny as well as being happy. Have you guys heard that phrase? Because I say it all the time and people ar elike…"what?" and I’m like "it’s a saying" and then feel stupid.
Anyway. These entries have been like essays. I’ve been so hyper this evening. It’s worn off now but still *smiles*
how did u change ur name but keep ur diary?
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how did u change ur name but keep ur diary?
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Thanks for the note! Yea, I only work part-time. I usually work more than that, but payroll got cut. I’m not complaining too much, though 😉 But keep in mind… I have another job as well (but I make my own hours with that one). Your day at work sounds like mine – do a gajillion things in a very short amount of time. Fun, huh? Hehe. Take care!
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Thanks for the note! Yea, I only work part-time. I usually work more than that, but payroll got cut. I’m not complaining too much, though 😉 But keep in mind… I have another job as well (but I make my own hours with that one). Your day at work sounds like mine – do a gajillion things in a very short amount of time. Fun, huh? Hehe. Take care!
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