Mr Fendley
Yeah so…time to write in the diary.
I don’t even know what to write. OK, what’s happened since I last wrote? I’ve spent a lot of time with the girl I call my little sister. Whenever things are going a bit shit I love spending time with her. Now, I don’t mean to be mean when I say this, after all she’s my little sister but…she’s so immature. She’s always on about "omg I love *insert boys name* but *insert girls name* is going on a date with him tomorrow" "omg I text *insert boys name* but he didnt text me back" "omg i went to this party and got wasted and ended up getting with *insert boys name* and *insert boys name* and then I found out that *insert boys name* got with *insert girls name"….you get the picture. And, if it were anyone else going on like this all the time I would get so pissed off. But, because it’s her, I can humour her. And it’s just funny. It’s good to be able to look at her and be glad that I’m slightly more mature but not mean it in a bitchy way. I feel like I’m looking after her because she’s my little sister.
One of the days I spent with her, I had had physics with Mr Fendley beforehand. I was meeting her to go into town. At the end of the lesson Mr Fendley asked if I was any happier than I had been (he’s the one who was always bugging me to talk to him) and I said yes and then almost started crying and he saw and I had to almost run out of the room. I went straight to my common room and little Zoe had already gone there from her common room to wait for me. She saw I was crying and we had a cuddle. We went shopping, I bought myself some presents to cheer myself up with some vouchers I got for my birthday. Then we had to go back for form time. I hate my form and I couldn’t avoid him so…I went and sat with my little sister Zoe in her form room…with her form tutor…Mr Fendley. lol
I’m now back to the debate about whether to tell Mr Fendley anything. I want to so so much. But…I don’t know. He’s a teacher…theres so much I cant tell him because he might have to pass it on. I’m a listener I knows what teachers can’t keep to themselves. And…Mr Steer went to my parents behind my back. Damn it. If Mr Fendley was around just not my teacher it would be perfect/ Because I do trust him.
I don’t know.
Rawr 🙂 Your note made me giggle.. and and and yea a booooooooy *grins*!!!.. It was fun, and I’m happy and YAY! XoxO
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Rawr 🙂 Your note made me giggle.. and and and yea a booooooooy *grins*!!!.. It was fun, and I’m happy and YAY! XoxO
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RYN: Yeah, i was spoiled! Little siblings are supposed to be annoying and imature, its thier job! Wouldnt be without em tho! Im sure teachers arent meant to pass on any information you tell them if you ask them not to, its all about ethics and confidentiality. If you want to talk to Mr. Frendley and you think it will help you, i think you should go for it, its not everyday your gona find someone
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RYN: Yeah, i was spoiled! Little siblings are supposed to be annoying and imature, its thier job! Wouldnt be without em tho! Im sure teachers arent meant to pass on any information you tell them if you ask them not to, its all about ethics and confidentiality. If you want to talk to Mr. Frendley and you think it will help you, i think you should go for it, its not everyday your gona find someone
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..your trust enough to tell this stuff too. I hope everything works out, am here if you need me. Have a good weekend xx
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..your trust enough to tell this stuff too. I hope everything works out, am here if you need me. Have a good weekend xx
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I have a sister, but I don’t know where she is because i’m adopted. I sure wish I knew where she was because I’d love to meet her and see how she’s doing. I’ve always thought about what would be like to have a sister to talk to about all my problems and especially about boy problems. That sadly to say i’ve been having a heck of a time with boys. I think i’m just going to date girls for a while….
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I have a sister, but I don’t know where she is because i’m adopted. I sure wish I knew where she was because I’d love to meet her and see how she’s doing. I’ve always thought about what would be like to have a sister to talk to about all my problems and especially about boy problems. That sadly to say i’ve been having a heck of a time with boys. I think i’m just going to date girls for a while….
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just to see how that all goes. I’m just really tired of havimg my heart broken by guys. I’m also thinking about just enjoying the single life for a good while. Enough with all that. How have you been doing? I’m here for ya if you ever need to talk to somebody. Take Care! Laterz, Robin
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just to see how that all goes. I’m just really tired of havimg my heart broken by guys. I’m also thinking about just enjoying the single life for a good while. Enough with all that. How have you been doing? I’m here for ya if you ever need to talk to somebody. Take Care! Laterz, Robin
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