Big Quiz Q401-450

401. Some say that high school is the best time of your life. Was that true for you? well yeah I guess it will turn out to be. No real responsibilities. Spending all my time with people I like. Now I have to grow up.

402. What do you find yourself encouraging others to try? alcoholic beverages I have discovered.

403. Which is better: Mel Brooks or Woody Allen? *shrugs and says ‘meh’ quietly*

404. When was the last time you were up all night? last night. ah nonot true i got about an hour or 2 sleep. on holiday then when me and Anna spent the night swimming in our underwear

406. Are people too complex and different to be categorized? nah. shove ’em all in their little boxes with the otehr people who conform to the same label and they’ll be fine.

407. Is it good to have pride in your own race or does that separate people from each other because it makes them think of
everyone else as ‘outsiders’? nah have all the pride you want just accept other people for having pride in their own race also

408. What fictional story would you like to live through? cinderella obviously.

409. Are cats or dogs smarter? er…dogs. cats are stupid and smelly.

410. Have you ever guessed someone’s password and broken into their diary? why would i do that?

411. What teacher, if any, has effected you the most in your life? Mrs Tebay and Mr Fendley. Beautiful people.

412. Are you more easily bored or excited? bored I guess. But I am excited by small things

413. What’s the bravest or most daring thing you have ever done? I’m not a very brave person. I don’t do things that I see as needing bravery.

414. “What’s the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?” (- Adam Ant). The excitement?The thrill? I dunno.

415. If your man or woman served you breakfast in bed as a treat what would you want? A bagel/muffin with a friend egg and fried mushrooms inside it. And a nice sugary cup of tea/black coffee. And a kiss to go with it.

416. What do you do only when you are upset? cut, i guess…although when it gets to be more of a habit I do it when I’m not upset and then make myself upset…

417. What’s the oddest CD in your collection? The Smurfs Go Pop

418. What’s the best diary name you ever saw? No idea. I don’t really pay much attention. Maybe ‘henry’. That’s a pretty cool diary name.

419. What would your friends be surprised to learn about you? I never actually like liked Charlie even though we were together from age 12 – 16.

420. Who owes you an apology? no one…

421. Who deserves an apology from you? Jordan but he wouldn’t accept any more from me

422. How would you like to treat your kids differently from the way your parents treated you? There’s not too much I would do differently. I always had a great time…allowed to do pretty much what I wanted so long as I was safe and let them know where I was and who I was with so…I’d be happy to do things exactly the same actually.

423. Which do you like best: 60’s, 70’s or 80’s fashion? 60’s most definitely.

424. What is the worst pick up line ever used on you? “I want to test out my short term see I just hit my head and I want to check I’m OK. So, can you tell me your name and bra size and I’ll see if I can remember what you say”

425. Of the following, which word best describes you: inventive, kinetic (energetic), light-hearted, mature. *shrugs* I don’t think I’m any of them lol

426. Do you own a record player? Do you use it? the family owns one but no it’s not used.

427. How easily do you make friends? I’m pretty good at making friends actually. I can chat away about basically anything so I always find something we have in common or about them that I can at least pretend to be interested in.

428. What is the difference between having character and being a character? having character is an alternative way of saying ‘interesting person’.being a character is an alternative way of saying ‘prat’.

429. Are there any animals you flat out refuse to touch? flying bugs and tortoises

430. Do you care about your weight? yeah an awful lot but not enough to actually lose the flab

431. Did you/will you go to the prom? yes I went to both my year 11 and upper 6th proms. Year 11 was a load of shit. 6th form I just got very drunk.

432. Have you ever wanted to date twins? oh yeah, how much fun would THAT be?

433. What one thing would you change about high school if you could? my high school was great. stamp out bullying and it’d be perfect…but for most ofthe time I was the bully then I became the bullied (by my bully friends). Get rid of all that shit and my high school was shit hot.

434. If you came with a warning label, what would it say? I dunno but Carly bought me a badge in Magalluf that says “My name is Lauren but you can call me Gorgeous” and she got a badge saying “I haven’t got big boobs. I’ve just got a small body” (She’s a proper Barbie with a tiny, tiny waist and massive massive boobs)

435. Are you artistic and creative? not particularly

436. What were you (probably) doing on this date last year? 6th August…erm…when did I go on holiday last year? Was I on holiday? I dunno. If I wasn’t on holiday I was either probably working at Wallis or lazing in bed all day.

437. What are you obsessed with? the number 17

438. What was the last compliment you received? Some guy at work said I had the most beautiful eyelashes yesterday. (I was rather proud of my eye makeup yesterday). Oh, no, Tom at work said I have a peachy bum today and that it was gorgeous haha.

439. Do you have any brothers or sisters? one brother named Dominic who is 21 years of age

440. Who would you like to be alone with right now? Jordan would be nice. Or Henry. In fact, with Henry I don’t really care if we’re alone I’d just like to be near him a little.

441. Do you push people away when you really want them to come closer? *glances at Jordan*

442. Is a prenuptial agreement necessary or does it take the romance and trust out of marriage? I don’t think it takes the romance and trust out of a relationship. I would certainly never ask for one but I don’t think I would argue against having one. If I’m confident enough in the relationship to get married, I would assume it would never be needed so why would it affect me if it existed?

443. Do you lie your way out of things? who doesn’t on the odd occasion?

444. Are you better at talking or listening? Well, I love to listen to people but I’ve been very talkative recently…not sure why.

445. What will only happen to you once in this lifetime? that first kiss.

446. Know of any conspiracy theories you think might be credible? no…

447. What are the most beautiful words that have ever been spoken to you? Now, if I were the type of person to actually remember what people say, that would be a BRILLIANT question.

448. If it were legal would you own a human slave (race unimportant)? no. I don’t wanna be fat and lazy. I can wipe my own ass thank you very much.

449. Have you ever read your own writing at a poetry reading? no but someone else has read my writing.

450. What is one simple thing that gives you the happy shivers? a kiss on the forehead

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