Big Quiz Q301-350

301. List 5 things you have not experienced that you would like to experience before you die. meh i can’t be bothered to think up crap. i don’t have that many things i want to experience. just skydiving please. maybe scuba too

302. Will you try to accomplish any of these things within the next year? nah

303. What do you feel controlled by? circumstances

304. If Jesus appeared to you and told you that the moon was made of green cheese would you believe him? well…no funnily enough i wouldn’t. but then…I’m not a christian..or stupid. oh wait, that’s the same thing (*hides* i don’t mean it)

305. What is one thing you are sure of? green tea is YUMMY

306. At what part of the day do you feel the most alert? not now that’s for sure. normally in the late evening but…*yawns*

307. Have you ever played in a band? nope. not good enough at anything…or want to be good enough at anything for that to have or to ever happen

308. Have you ever stared into the ocean thinking ‘early creatures crawled outta that’? actually yeah…well…something along those lines

309. If not, what do you think of when you are staring into the ocean? well it’s not the only thing i think but as i didn’t say no, am i not allowed to answer this question?

310. Do you like the mental challenge of chess or other games? i LOVE chess. i used to play all the time with my daddy.

311. Do you ever think of where your atoms were before they were in you? well…no…but now im wondering.

312. Do you ever think about where your atoms will go after they have been in you? nah i’m not too intruiged by that

313. If you didn’t know that people couldn’t fly do you think that you could? there is nothing to give an indication taht we might be able to

314. Are you someone that others call when they’re having a problem and want to talk about it? yah a lot of the time actually. in fact, too much of the time. although recently not so much and i feel slightly unwanted. maybe i should just be happy my friends lives are going well. maybe not haha.

315. When it comes to literature, do you see beyond the writing and into the meaning intended by the author? absolutely. or at least i hope so and try to.

316. Is there anything you can take apart completely, and then put back together, and have no left over parts? puzzle?

317. What are your feelings about the death penalty? i feel it would be a rather unpleasant experience.

318. If there was a god and you could ask him/her one question what would it be? ‘sup?

319. Do you believe that life will be found on other planets? nah. it may well exist, i dunno. but we wont find it if it’s there

320. What is something worth suffering for? love and friendship

321. If you could put an extra eye on your body anywhere you wanted, where would you put it? back of my head i guess

322. Are you in touch with the earth and nature? oh yeah. totally.

323. Would you rather live simply or extravagantly? extravagantly. absolutely. but then i’d feel guilty

324. Have you ever been camping? no and never. no one ever invite me. the answer is no. (unless it’s in aid of a really awesomeface festival)

325. Is your heart open when you meet someone new? absolutely. i try to make it.

326. Are you able to have conversations with and become friends with people who are not like you and are interested in different things than you are? they are the most fun people to meet. you always learn something new

327. Are strangers more beautiful or frightening to you? it depends whether they appear crazy/drunk/drugged/welsh

328. What stops you from doing everything you want to do? enthusiasm and determination (or lack thereof)

329. Can you think of three adjectives that do not apply to you at all? yes, i can.

330. How do you feel about Jeremy Jaynes, who got a nine year prison sentence for spamming people with junk email? *shrugs* gay.

331. Do you know who the current premier of China is? nope.

332. Are you very active? nope.

333. Is there a city that reminds you of the landscape of your brain? hah erm no

334. Have you ever loved someone who has loved you back? yes..thankfully

335. Is it really being ‘in love with’ someone if the other person doesn’t love you? yeah i think so.

336. Do you believe that there is someone perfect for everyone or that people just fall in love with who ever they are with at the time? teh latter

337. Do you know secret things? who doesn’t?

338. Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn’t have? you could put it that fact yes. absolutely yes.

339. How do you overcome your fears? i don’t i run away and squeal

340. What can you do better than anyone you know? answer long ass surveys coz no one else can be assed

341. Would you benefit from a wilder existence? nah

342. Does it seem to you like the range of socially acceptable behavior is getting smaller or larger? larger of course

343. Have you ever fired a gun? nope and i have no desire to. just doesnt interest me in the slightest

344. Are people becoming more afraid of each other? maybe in some ways

345. If you had to choose the percentage of freedom vs. safety what ratio would you decide on (ex: 100% free 0% safe)? 40/60.

346. Does safety stifle you? nah

347. Who or what needs to be stopped? people who actually want to learn physics more than they have to. STOP THE CRAZINESS (yes, henry, that is for your benefit)

348. Are human beings becoming more domesticated? sure why not

349. Do you follow the lives of the British Royal Family? why on earth would i do that?

350. How did the death of Pope John Paul II affect you? it made going to the vatican more exciting i guess. but thats a selfish effect lol. nah it didn’t really.

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