All I ever wanted.

Above: a long weekend we took in 2012. This is the New River in West Virginia. We went white water rafting and hiking.
I got approved for time off in December, and I even worked through my budget to make sure I can afford to not work for a week. (I’m trying to refrain from using vacation days, because I’m going to need them next year.) Everything’s good.
I spent some time looking at restaurants at and near the resort. I mainly just wanted to see what I was up against with the prices. I have this fear of being in paradise and running out of money. It’s not exactly rational, but my years as a pauper have instilled this kind of anxiety in me.
Though I’m sure my brother will plan our activities to the nine, I hope there is some built in down time; I’m an introvert, and too much peopling will take a toll on me. Not only that, I’m hoping that there will be some time for my boyfriend and I to explore on our own. He’s an introvert too, but he also is so much better at vacationing than I am.
I’m not sure I know how to vacation. I go places and the vacation for me is like… staying in a hotel, sitting on a beach, driving across the country only to drive back, NOT WORKING, and of course, bragging rights afterward. <i>Oh yeah, I’ve been to Hawaii. ::shrugs:: It’s ok.</i> Ha. I am terrible at planning to actually do stuff, like touristy things. So I’ll let my boyfriend and my brother handle that, I guess. I trust them to choose stuff that I will enjoy too.
I took 3 weeks of vacation this year and the more I vacationed the more anxious I got! I too am an introvert and have a problem being around people constantly. I don’t think it is a mistake to call it a “crush” of people. Feels that way.
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You should pick ONE thing that you’d like to do, then make sure you do it. Later, during the bragging you get to say, “That was my idea!”
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