Dexamphetamine Day 5
Dexamphetamine Day 5:
4 pills: Study, Study, Study, Study!
I woke at 10am and it’s now 12:15, and I’ve been studying since I woke as I had 2 group assignments to work on.
Time is seeming to go faster, and I feel like I’m a lot more efficient. I actually feel that time is more valuable, and I have more motivation to use it wisely! I wonder if the reason time seems to be going faster is because I’m doing more with my time.
I’ve been peeing SO often. I’m 70% sure that this is because I’ve been drinking a lot more water since taking Dex.
My appetite has decreased significantly. I’ve completely stopped snacking between meals. Today I didn’t enjoy my second meal of the day – yogurt, fruit and muesli – which is unusual. Perhaps I should up my game and cook something more interesting 😛
I have more control over my use of time, and for the first time in as long as I can remember, I feel that I can fit everything in. I wonder if it’s true.
I also feel friendlier, and more confident in regards confront a few issues I may have been avoiding because they would be too time-consuming, such as talking to my parents about difficult issues.
Once again, I didn’t sleep as well as usual last night. However, I did find it very easy to get out of bed in the morning.
After this script of Dex has run out (100 pills), I’m going to request to go onto Ritalin and try that out as well. No harm in trying and testing.