Should I get a new job?

I have a great job.  I actually love my job.  The issue is the people I work with – my so-called “team.”  There were issues before this week, but this week may have been the final straw.

With this storm, everyone lost power except for me, all week.  We have all been working remotely, so I was the only one who was able to log on and carry the workflow while everyone was out.  Yes, these were circumstances out of our control, but it was stressful for me.  Everyday I was tempted to just lie and say I was without power,  but my work ethic prevented me from lying so I pushed through the days.  Gradually, through the week, someone else was able to get power and help out a bit, but mainly the work fell to me.  (It happened to be lazy co-worker, who just doesn’t take initiative to work on things that need to get done, especially if it isn’t her responsibility.)

On Friday, the person who I was covering for and handling most of her work, finally got power but decided she needed to take the day off because she was feeling like she was getting a cold.  Had it been me, I would have felt bad if someone was carrying the workload ALL ALONE ALL WEEK and would have taken some DayQuil and logged on.  I am not happy about that.

On top of that, the firm is not making her (or anyone else) take PTO time for these days, so she basically got a week’s holiday while I worked my ass off to cover the group’s work.  I don’t think it’s fair.  Had I known, I would have taken the week off as well.

Am I expecting too much?  I am just tired of being taken advantage of and tired of working with people who don’t have the same work ethic as I do.  I know I can easily find another job with more pay but I like my job.  It’s perfect for me outside of the coworkers and I do have one boss that is the best.  She can’t control what the firm does though.  She can’t make them compensate me more or reward me for carrying a whole team alone.

Is finding another job the solution?  The grass isn’t always greener.   I have to pick my poison.  Do I want a different poison?  Or is the devil I know better than the devil I don’t?

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