living on lonely planet

I haven’t had my computer for the whole week, it broke down exactly a week ago! The guy who repaired it said the boot sector stopped working or something like that. He said that through my mum and when I wanted more explanation, just in case to maybe avoid breaking that boot in the future, my mum said that he doesn’t have time to explain me details, etc etc so at the end I don’t know if it was my fault (or my cat’s fault who jumps on the computer sometimes, sits on it when open and often switches it off).

Does anyone know what causes boot sector to break down? Can this happen by switching off computer with the cat’s bum;) instead of clicking the turn down bar?

OR maybe my cat uses the computer when I’m at work??? that’s why I had all those problems! ;p

 these aren’t my cats but Shema sits on my laptop just like this ginger cat!

Anyway, computer is back. I really missed open diary! It was weird not to have computer at home! usually I switch it on once I’m back home, it’s a habit just like putting the kettle on. However, instead I was reading more, just a little bit more, as I was very busy last week.

I’m also preparing for the 2nd grade violin exam. I really enjoy it! When I was starting to learn violin I didn’t know that I will love it that much! I was scared I would get bored etc. but I haven’t so far:) I have to admit that weekly lessons help. I have only half an hour lesson once a week but it is enough and it helps so much! 

And tonight…..well I’m well but I feel a bit lonely. Even though I had a lovely day at cinema with my niece and cousin and later met my friend for a drink… I still feel a bit alone. I think that’s normal, we humans can be surrounded by people but still sometimes we feel alone. Some people might feel it more than others I guess. I don’t want to sound depressing (because I’m not feeling like that), it’s just the truth which in fact helps me not to worry about that or not to try too hard to do something just to not feel alone..I’m aware that this feeling will come sometimes whether I’m surrounded by people or not, because loneliness is part of me. Looking at this from a bigger perspective I can say that our planet is a lonely planet, lost in the universe with strange neighbours such as uninviting moon or some too hot or too cold planets. In the universe we are alone but I believe that there is some Greater Power (I call it God but it can have various other names) which is good and which look after our small, lonely planet and also after every, small and lonely person.

 I can feel lonely sometimes BUT I know that I’m not alone

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February 26, 2012

Hello lovely lady :-0) Yeah at your puter being all fixed. I’m sure you’ll do great with your exam :-D. I know what you mean about feeling alone/lonely – you can be in a big crowd and still feel lonely. I hope you feel better this morning. What did you watch at the pictures?? I giggled about the cats bum turning off the puter. LOL. Hope you have a great Sunday my friend Hugs xx

February 26, 2012
February 27, 2012

RYN: I really liked the Hannah Swensen mysteries. You really need to read them in order though. Things make more sense that way. The Blueberry Muffin Murder is the first, I believe.

February 28, 2012

RYN — Always! ♥

February 29, 2012

RYN — I am the same. I feel a lot better when I am slim, too =)

March 3, 2012

My he-cat is so naughty, but all members of my family loves him. Thanks for the note. I miss LONDON a lot. Say hi to this great city. Have a very lovely weekend!