Cheeky Charlie!

Charlie has been ruffling feathers by going into the local business services wanting printing and other stuff done, but demanded Lucy lets him have it all free because he’s a Town Councillor and she can claim it back if he gives her certain forms to fill out! He tried to intimidate her with his strong Scottish accent!

Cobblers! Lucy is a small business owner who has had several people over the years demanding freebies and she told Charlie to piss off! She’s not a charity!

She’ll happily put things on the slate for those who she knows are 100% trustworthy, like my husband who ordered over £100.00 worth of things but couldn’t pay her for a couple of days so she slated it for him, and he went back in on the day he promised and paid her in full and in cash, but she won’t let those like Charlie get away with intimidation and freebies!

Good on you, Lucy!

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