1/1/14 barrage

1.) Look at all these carrots, onions and celery! It’s a Christmas mirepoix!

2.) Nietzsche’s treatise on Twitter translated to English as “Mention or Ubermention”.

3.) Take-out fries from the Knights Inn smell just like fries from the bodega on Bushwick I always went to, overwhelmed with nostalgia. Kinda wanna cry.

4.) Polls about shoot-em-up bullet-hell video games are conducted by Pew Pew Pew Research.

5.) The widows and children of pilots in bullet hell shoot-em-up video games are cared for by the Pew Pew Pew Charitable Trusts.

6.) Polenta is just a more awesome word for grits.

7.) Canned cranberry sauce is so different from loose cranberry sauce, it should have a separate name. Canberry sauce?

8.) Incarnations of The Doctor, the High Council of Gallifrey has gotta catch ’em all, Rassilon.

9.) Lions take their steak medium-roar.

10.) It’s important to note that the happenings in sitcoms are not reflective of how life worked at that time. Those weren’t America.

11.) Why would you want to be lead beside still waters? Those things are FULL of mosquitoes.

12.) After Skeletor was finally defeated, Man-At-Arms retired and became a toymaker which is why now Duncan means yo-yos.

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