Still Here

Just thought I would post a short note to let everyone know I am still here . . .hanging in there. Bored out of my mind and frustrated by my progress – I am still having coughing jags way too often and still SO TIRED. I keep hoping every day when I woke up that I will feel different, have more energy, be able to take a little deeper breath but so far, no luck.

I seem to feel better between 11am and 6 or 7pm and that is about it. The morning sucks – it takes me so long to get going and then I peter out so fast in the evenings – in bed most nights by 8:30.

Today is my 3rd day in a row home from work and I am literally dying to get back. I can’t believe all that I am missing and how much of my PTO time I am using up. I am offically out of time – I have exactly 2 weeks left and one week is for our vacation to Florida in 2 weeks and then I am supposed to save the other week for our 4th quarter (Jan-Mar) in case we get sick during the winter. I never have to worry about running out of days off because in the past, I would never use more than 1-2 days of my PTO for staying home sick. I know if you haven’t been reading me long, it may not seem like it but before this past year, I was rarely, if ever sick.

I am definitely changing family doctors – I should take this weekend and try and research the doctors in my plan, see who is taking new patients and start setting up interviews. I am not going to just sign on with someone new without meeting them first unless I have a kick ass recommendation from someone I trust.

Brian is driving me nuts – he was home today from work, still only working 32 hours a week and I know it partly isn’t his fault. He is just out of his mind with boredom from being cooped up in the house with me for the past 2 weeks. But at the same time, it really pisses me off when I ask him to pick up the slack for me, run a few extra errands and he just freaks out about stupid stuff. Give me a break, buddy – I am just trying to breathe over here! I almost forgot to make the house payment this week, for God’s sake – in this economy, the last thing we need to do is make a late payment on anything, let alone your house! I need up trying to think of the stuff I normally take care of – like dusting, the last thing I should be doing now is dusting . . .all that crap getting in my lungs and our bedroom is utterly disgusting. But, I know if I suggest it – he will just shrug his shoulders and sigh like “Oh GOD – one more thing!” If he is so bored, it should be happy he can help me and do something to make my life easier, right???

OK – watching Oprah, better go. I am going to get outside for about 30 minutes after it is over and read in the sunshine for a while. I can’t seem to get any decent info on the Internet about pneumonia and whether it is good to get fresh air, not good to get fresh air, good to go out and run quick errands, not good to run quick errands – I am just playing it by ear and see how I feel. I am almost positive I will not be heading out for our dinner plans tomorrow night – the reservations aren’t until 7pm, we most certainly wouldn’t get home until 9pm or later and I doubt I could make it that long. BUT – I was really hoping I could get out for an hour or two with my aunt tomorrow to pick up my fall goodies – we really only have 1 more weekend we are going to even be in town and on October 25th – November 1st, we will be out of town anyway. I am going to miss Halloween up here entirely – trust me, there are worse places to be spending it than Florida but it will be the first one I have missed here. Ever.

Heck, it doesn’t even feel like fall now – I think it is 72 and sunny – definitely odd fall weather for us.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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October 11, 2008

Survey #2-08 (meaning survey 2 in 2008) What are some of your most satisfying outlets for fun? [leave your answer in a note to me – answers will be posted in an entry soon. if you wish to remain anonymous, just let me know]

Get better. *hugs* I’d be finding a new doctor, too.

October 13, 2008

RYN: My dog isnt necessarily sick…I just have really started to notice him getting grayer, slower and such. Plus he is turning 10 this year. Its made me face the fact that I could be losing him in the next couple years. I am NOT ready for that!!