Quick Update

Sorry, I don’t have the time to be more creative with a title.

We had our first snow of the season this year – it started yesterday with light, little flakes slowly drifting down – it really was gorgeous. Fast forward 24 hours to this morning when I was stuck in traffic on icy roads, my commute taking twice as long because the fucking snow plows didn’t put any God damn salt or sand down and once again, as happens every year, every dumb fuck who has lived here for 20 or so years magically forgets how to drive when the roads are bad. *sigh* Get the hell out of my way, people!

Facebook is addictive . . .and exhausting! I had about 20 friend requests within the first couple of hours and hooked up with people I never would have imagined being on there. Seriously, I had some girl I went to school with for ONE semester back in 5th grade contact me with a “remember me?” Umm – no, not really.

I don’t get the whole sending people luck, throwing snowballs at each other and putting ornaments on people’s Christmas trees. I keep getting these notifications and I don’t know what the hell I am supposed to do. If I responded to every one of them, I would have to quit my job and become a Facebook junkie full time.

But, it IS very neat to be able to get in touch with people I haven’t seen or heard from in a long time, see what they are up to, see pictures of their kids, etc. so it was worth. I just have to wean myself from the mystic, that first taste and quit checking for updates every . . .oh, hour or so and try and look at it only once a day or every two days.

I can’t remember if I wrote about this but I didn’t get the other job I interviewed with here at my firm a couple of weeks ago. I wasn’t shocked – I am sure my current boss put the ax to that and so far, I am fine with that. She has been kissing my ass ever since our little run in – spending time with me, training me, answering all of my questions, making sure I am happy and as long as that continues, I am fine. She told us we would stay in our respective positions for at least another 18 months so that helps too. Honestly, if I can get this woman on my side, I stand a lot better chance of advancing in this role than the other one I applied for. I am working directly for an executive everyday, learning from her, being “groomed” so to speak and that can only help me. I did some research on our intranet and nominations for our internal leadership academy come out next May and I am going to do everything I can to be on that list. I have been here 5 years come June, stuck as a manager and it is high time I moved up the ladder. The best way to accomplish that is to get invited to leadership academy so we shall see.

The board I am on is getting a major overall when I take over as board president in January so the director, me and the current president are meeting once a week in the evening for the next 3 weeks to bang out the new plans. All board members are going to be held just a touch more accountable than they have in the past and I know the current ones aren’t gonna like it. We are probably going to grandfather in current board members but strongly encourage they strive for the same goals we are going to ask of new ones. Or, flat out – this organization won’t be able to exist in a year from now. I like finally being in control and being able to make some changes. Now I just have to wait until the first of the year to see if any of my ideas are going to work!

Better run – I will try and update again when I can but busy season is definitely upon me. I am lucky – I am not working even CLOSE to what I would have worked in my old job come January or February. It just stinks that now I will be busy around the holidays while everyone else is taking off. Gonna be a quiet Thanksgiving and Christmas around here. . .

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