No Answers This Week

I have another entry <———that way that you might want to check out before reading this.

My boss’s boss just left for the day and is going to be out all day Thursday and Friday. And she DID NOT talk to me today, like she said she was going to.

She has been in her office with the door shut all day on the phone, talking about Lord only knows what. And I certainly don’t know either. . .

I knew it – and now I get to stew all weekend long, wondering what the fuck? I have a feeling I will be wondering longer than that. And I also have a feeling that her touchy feely conversation she talked about having yesterday, will never come to be.

Nice idea though. . .in fairy tales, maybe!

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September 17, 2008

I know its hard…and my husband just went through something similar. I find that managers/executives have their own timeline that doesnt match the working folk!! Stick in there, dont give up hope just yet!!

September 18, 2008

I hope that your boss has had the chance to talk to you now? I am worried ‘cus you haven’t updated since then and I can only think the news has gotten worse. {{Hugs}}