In the Same Boat

Looks like all of my favs are in the same boat as me – no time to write! I will try some bullets from the past week or so:

– we hit a deer on the way home from dinner Friday night. We are fine, we are fine but my car has a nice big dent on the front driver’s side that we now have to take in and get fixed. *sigh* It actually doesn’t work out too bad because I have about 2-3 things I wanted done on the car anyway and now we will get it all done in one shot.

– my MIL had to put her poor kitty to sleep on Friday. I feel so bad for her – she was only about 12 years old but had horrible kidney problems and finally, just couldn’t hang on any longer. RIP, Miss Peggy and may you be hop, hop, hopping along in kitty heaven on those 3 legs, you fast thing, you!

– Things are downhill with Lynne again and I have no idea why. She called Saturday morning, after not hearing from her in a week and a half, we talked for about 15 minutes and then she had to go. She mentioned she was at her parents lake house for the day, how it was such a gorgeous day to be on the lake, asked me what we were up to and then just got off the phone. Didn’t even THINK to ask us out to join them! I was so upset, I finally sent her an E-mail on Sunday and in a roundabout way, asked her what was up. I can’t call her and talk to her – she is interrupted every minute or two by one of her 3 kids or her husband, it is just impossible to talk to her about anything meaningful anymore.

– I am schooling my aunt on the fun of Ebay and she got a great deal on a new Coach purse last night on her first auction win! She shrieked like as school girl once she learned she had the winning bid – I think I have her hooked now!

– My activity on the board I am on is ramping up as we start committee meetings for our annual Make a Difference Day. It will be on the last Saturday in October and we are in charge of coordinating over 400 volunteers to do work for our almost 300 non profit agencies. It is quite a big job, my first year on the event and our committee chair backed out at the last minute, leaving me, the new board chair, holding the bag. Luckily, some folks who have been around a while are all pitching in to teach me the ropes and follow up on important to do items. At this point, I am just in charge of the committee meetings and making sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to do. Still kind of scary though – half the time I feel like the blind leading the blind!

– Anyone else disappointed in Obama’s VP pick? I have to admit I don’t know much about him but I feel like he has taken his dynamic platform down a peg or two, saddling himself with this guy. You just can’t please everyone, all of the time though, can you?

– I saw the first changing leaves on our local maple trees last week, it makes me so sad to think that summer is that close to ending!

OK – I better hop to it. My boss is in a meeting right now – I have no idea when it is going to end and I hate to get caught playing on here.

Log in to write a note

It makes me so sad to hear about Lynne. I just know this is what is going to happen as my friends continue to have babies. sigh

August 27, 2008

The leaves are changing and falling here already. Some of our trees have the MOST amazing red leaves … I should photo them. We hit a deer last Sept. Did $5600 worth of damage to the entire front of my car. Guy said he was impressed because, at that speed and impact area, he would have expected more damage. Yay for crumple zones! Glad you’re okay.