Gonna Get in TROUBLE. . .

. . . for not doing a DAMN thing here at work, since I got here almost 2 hours ago. OMG – I SO do not feel like working today at all. In approximately 5 hours, I am leaving early for the day and heading to Indy for a long weekend with my aunt, my boss is working from home today and HER boss is at her kids school for some program all morning. So, my motivation is completely NOTHING!

I am looking forward to the weekend – I will miss Brian terribly and know I will sleep like shit without him but hoping our activities will wear me out to get enough winks.

We should get down there around 5pm, hit Lynne’s brother’s house to unpack, change clothes and freshen up for a night on the town. We will head to my cousin’s apartment to see how her and her new husband have set up house since they got married in May. Then, dinner out around the Keystone area – we have it narrowed down to about 4 different restaurants and then the girls are going to a 10pm showing of Nights in Rodanthe, the new Nicholas Sparks movie out. I haven’t told my aunt and cousin but usually the secret to every Nicholas Sparks movie . . .somebody dies. I haven’t read the book so maybe I’m wrong, but I doubt it.

Saturday, we are getting up and having a late breakfast at Cafe Patachou and then heading out for a day of shopping. I have a ton of stuff to look for – nice inbetween weather shirts for wearing out in the evenings, something not too warm and not too cool. Right now, I have strappy tops and heavy sweaters and little inbetween. I would also like to find some black leggings to wear with this gorgeous purple, long Banana Republic sweater I got ages ago and never wore – it is just too darn long on me to wear with regular pants, it almost looks like a dress so the leggings will be perfect with some ballet flats I already possess. Who knows what else might be out there for me. . .

Saturday night, we have tickets to see The Producers at Beef and Boards, which is a buffet style dinner theater. I was shocked my 23 year old cousin suggested this place beecause dinner theater screams OLD PEOPLE to me but whatever. I am willing to give it a shot. I love The Producers and know my aunt is going to hate it, so this should be an interesting night.

Then, heading for home on Sunday – the trip down and back will be fun, my aunt and I both can talk a mile a minute and she is the one who was having marital issues and talks about it all very sporadically. I am hoping she has the nerve on this trip to open up and give me an update on how things are going.

Damn . . .and today is jeans day at work, which doesn’t help my motivation at all and I am sorry but I am rocking the size 2 Old Navy dark wash jeans I got a few weeks ago, along with a pretty black blouse and some black peek toe high heels. . . is it 2pm yet?

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September 26, 2008

Have fun!! I am having a similar motivation problem today….arggh

Wait. Did you say size TWO. I effing hate you. Okay, I actually love you do death, but you SUCK. 🙂

September 26, 2008

Sounds like a great weekend!

September 26, 2008

size 2? I wish… ugh, I gotta get rid of my baby belly fat… have a great time and take some great drunken pics.. hee hee…