Football Saturday

I cannot believe the ND game ended up as close as it was. In the 3rd quarter, I told Brian if San Diego State scored one more time, we were outta there. Thank God they didn’t and we stayed until the end of the game.

I really enjoyed myself today but have to admit I was feeling rather out of sorts. I don’t know if it is because I am going to start soon or what. We ordered some pizza last night – I have had this same pizza twice since all of my stomach issues but for some reason, it bothered me last night.

Then, Brian insisted on sitting out by our fire pit last night – I wasn’t really in the mood, just kind of wanted to hunker down inside, it was really cool and to top it off, it took him about 20 minutes to even get the mother started. But, I ended up sitting out there with him for almost 2 hours and ended up having a nice time. Toasted marshmellows are YUMMY!

Last night, Brian and I had sex before we went to sleep and I don’t know if it was because he was buzzed or what but he just kept going and going and going . . .which normally is a fantastic thing but last night, the sex just plain hurt me. Very odd. I wanted to say something, I should have stopped him and said something but I didn’t. I wanted to be enjoying it so much but the more he pounded, the more it just hurt. It was like it was rattling my insides and felt crampy in my lower abdomin. Again – maybe because I am getting ready to start.

And now, I am home, enjoying a good Florida/Miami game with many tasty treats waiting for me in the kitchen and nothing really sounds good. I am not kidding you – if my stomach is starting to act up again, I am going to cry. I will admit – I probably could be eating better than I am. It was way to easy to cut out fresh fruits and veggies when the doc had me on that restricted diet and I have been too slow to add them back. I ate a piece of birthday cake this week – albeit a small one and normally I would have gone back for seconds. . .and thirds but stopped myself.

I have been testing more of the alcohol waters as well but other than a martini Thursday night, I haven’t had anything since last weekend.

I don’t know what it is. . . I guess I will just keep sipping on my water and hoping for the best. My stomach issues are just so hard to explain to people – my stomach isn’t nauseous, it just feels. . .full and there is a little pain near the middle of my chest, at the top of my stomach. And the hunger pains stop . . .like you know when it is getting close to a meal time, like clockwork, your stomach will just start growling if you wait to eat too long? When my stomach gets like this, it just stops growling and I know it probably isn’t a good idea to eat anything more until it does.

But, I have tasty Baked Tostedo Scoops and some queso waiting and mentally, it sounds SO good. *sigh* I will refrain. Because tomorrow is our anniversary and the LAST way I want to spend the day is feeling less than 100%. Wish me luck.

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Happy Anniversary! I’m glad ND won today for you!

Oh gawd, there have been times where it has hurt like a MOTHER when Justin and I were doing it and I’d rather die than keep going. But what do I do? Keep my mouth shut and keep on going. NOT a good idea. *smooch*

RYN I’ve thought a lot about leaving. BUT…when it comes down to it, I plan on moving out of California in about a year anyway so I don’t want to job search and then job search again. So…I think I’m going to try to stick it out. Of course, then I worry that I’ll decide to stay here and I’ll be stuck. I don’t know.