Ebay Shopping Spree

My MIL got me a very generous Ebay gift certificate for my birthday this year and I need clothes desperately, so I have been finding some fabulous deals on all of my favorite brands. Here is what I have picked up so far:

This gorgeous Ann Taylor sweater.

These Banana Republic olive green cords.

This beautiful cashmere Banana Republic sweater.

And new weight lifting gloves because mine are older than dirt and full of holes.

And I still have money left! I have about 20 different sweaters and tops bookmarked – I am totally set on jeans for the fall and winter, I could definitely use some more casual and dress pants but man I need shirts! I am so disappointed in Old Navy’s selection this fall – that is usually where I pick up most of my fall and winter casual clothes for the season but everything is way too dressy and way too warm weather for the fall. Where are the sweaters?? Where are the cute, warm pants?

I am heading to Indy this weekend with my aunt to visit my cousin and her new husband, for the first time and we hope to do a little shopping on Saturday. I hope to snag some more deals somewhere, if I can so I am not going naked in the dead of winter!

BTW – no job news right now. Brian got moved down to 32 hours a week so we are just hanging in there. I have my meeting with my NEW boss tomorrow at 10am. Fingers crossed!

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Good luck at your meeting! I think it’s happening right now. *fingers crossed* I haven’t found anything at Old Navy in a few years now. I think they’ve moved on to a male clothing focus. That’s my theory, at least, since all the guys I know love it.