
OK – my 35th birthday is almost upon me and as I may have mentioned before, I made a goal before my 30th birthday that every 5 years, I would do one thing for that birthday that I never done before. I thought it would be a fun way to celebrate these big 5 year milestones and give me incentive to try new things I might not otherwise have tried.

For my 30th birthday, I got my sunflower tattoo on my right hip. I adore it – am so glad I did it and will always remember the fun experience of going to get it with Brian and Lynne. Brian got one too that night, Lynne just watched but it was still a fun, new experience for me.

I have narrowed my choices for my 35th birthday down to the following two: a hot air balloon ride or para-sailing. I have found that I can arrange a hot air balloon ride 2 towns over from mine on my actual birthday, which falls on a Saturday this year. OR – when we head to Florida to visit our family at the end of October, I could hook up with a para-sailing company on the island, near my brother’s new house and try that.

I can’t decide – I am literally torn between the 2, not sure what to do. It would be cool to do the hot air balloon thing actually ON my birthday, which would not be an option for para-sailing. But, it is expensive – which really isn’t that big a deal and I feel like that is something I may still be able to do when I get older and could use that idea for another birthday. The para-sailing is something I have always wanted to do but obviously, it would have to wait until almost 1 1/2 months after my birthday but seems like something I might enjoy now, while I am a little younger.

So – any thoughts? Which ones sounds best to you? I am just curious what everyone or anyone else thinks? I don’t really have anyone to bounce ideas off of at this point – Brian is out on both of them because he is terrified of heights and won’t be doing either one of them with me. My aunt digs the hot air balloon idea but would never do the para-sailing as she has a shark phobia and thinks she could fall in the water and get eaten by a shark.

I have to decide soon – in the next couple of days – so I can reserve the hot air balloon for my birthday, is that is what I want to do. I am honestly leaning towards para-sailing – I figure I can talk someone else into doing it with me – my brother, my BIL or maybe even my mom. I don’t want to push her but I think it could be something fun for her to do too, even if she is 61!

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August 20, 2008

Id do the para-sailing! You can do the hot air ride at any age!

August 20, 2008

hi, found you on the front page.I’ve gone parasailing before and it was pretty fun but I think a hot air balloon ride would be more fun… hm.but you’re right about being able to do that at another milestone. so…? *

August 20, 2008

hot air balloon for sure!

August 20, 2008

Para sailing. Hot air ballooning is fun but not a huge deal.

August 20, 2008

Para-sailing, for sure

August 20, 2008

Well, having done both, I’d have to say I enjoyed the para-sailing better. And you’re right the hot air balloon ride could be kept for another milestone birthday when you aren’t so ‘young and athletic’ 🙂 And if you DO choose the para-sailing for this year, just cause you can’t actually DO it on your birthday, you could BOOK it on your actual birthday (as a way to commemorate the day). 🙂 K

I’m planning on skydiving for the 30th this year. I think either one would be an awesome experience.