Birthday Photos

Just thought I would share some pics from this past whirlwind birthday weekend:

OK, not exactly from the weekend but a shot of me at our Habitat house for WomenBuild on Weds – me putting up siding. SCARY!

The gorgeous roses Brian sent me at work.

I just love the white and purple together!

The cake Brian had made for me – we shared it with Andy, Chris and the Little One but I am still ashamed to admit that as of this moment, it is totally GONE! Damn – it was good.

Little One clowning around at their house on Friday night.

Nice boobie shot for Brian.

Right before we headed out for my birthday dinner last night. Thanks so much, friend – I had the BEST weekend!

And it was definitely a memorable weekend for another reason – we got hit by not just 1, but TWO tropical storms – Lowell hit us on Saturday and it rained more inches than recorded EVER in our area for any 24 hour period. Then, today, we got Ike and in our backyard, recorded a total of 9 inches of rain between Saturday morning and today around 4pm. INSANE! We don’t know anyone personally that had flooding on their property but it has been all over the news for the past few days. Our rivers are supposed to crest sometime Tuesday evening/Wedneday morning and it could get ugly.

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Happy late birthday! Mine was today! The flowers and cake were beautiful.

Beautiful flowers! Beautiful you!

Happy Belated, chica!!! You so bootiful!!

September 15, 2008

yeah! happy b-day to you too! 1973 RULED!

September 15, 2008

Happy belated Birthday! Doug told me there was some pretty nasty damage up North, I didn’t realize it had hit your area so hard. You look lovely.

September 18, 2008

Oh no! Belated Happy Birthday. I am so sorry I missed it.