Anyone Tried Vick’s on the Feet?

Well – I plan to tonight. The bitch of this whole cold is the coughing . . .I just can’t seem to stop and of course, nighttime is worse. I was talking with my dad on the phone home from work today (early because I still felt like shit) and he reminded me about this Vick’s Vapor Rub myth. So, Brian and I stopped at CVS on the way home from picking up take out for dinner and I gonna try it tonight.

My dad said it sounds nuts but worked for him – I swear, at this point, I don’t care if someone told me to dance naked in the front yard with a tiara on my head – I’d do it if it would stop the coughing.

I went to the doctor’s yesterday and of course, nothing is wrong with me. No sinus infection, tonsils are fine, chest is clear so no antibodics are going to make me feel better. No matter I felt too shitty to go to work on Wednesday, then Thursday and had to go home early today. And that my boss’s last day is next Tuesday and we basically lost a whole week of training because BOTH of us were sick.

So, I will report tomorrow if the Vick’s myth worked for me and I actually got a decent night’s sleep. Something has to work before I OD on Robitusin and cough drops. You know what happens when you take too much cough drops??? They act as a laxative. . .

What a pleasant thought to leave you all with on a Friday night. At least maybe you will appreciate yours a little more.

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October 4, 2008

Hope you will get over that cough soon! Take care,