The Campbell Legacy 0.1

Meet Rose-Ellen Campbell…
She went to Hunter’s Park to meet someone.
She met Marisa Bendett.
The Unsavory Charlatan… evil twit stole $$$ off Marisa as she left Hunter’s Park! o_O
Marisa’s makeover…
I boolpropped Rose-Ellen with the Unsavory Charlatan (lol!!) and I boolpropped Marisa with Rose-Ellen.
Nathan or Nate
And Marisa’s twins…
I made Erin & Jeanet the same bc they are identical twins…
More later…
Maybe it’s just me but I don’t think we can trust the unsavory charlatan!
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So Rose-Ellen was able to make Marisa pregnant, because she was boolpropped?
@justamillennial Aye so.
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